“IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Monday

Todays READERS POLL question is: Should City Council Finance Chairman Dan McGinn and Controller Russ Lloyd Jr start speaking out on the 2017 budget shortfalls?

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    • Lily is what sport should be all about ..We are all proud of her and wish her continued success not just in the pool but in her life’s journey ..God Bless

  1. Fly remains mute to the public. He can do no better than point to other county’s tax credit rate, or generally lack thereof, to justify taking that money right out of your pocket (hey, it’s just an average of twenty bucks, no big deal). What McGinn is proposing is the thin wedge of things to come. Winnecke got caught when he tried it and blamed everyone but himself. Butterfly runs right to the old schoolyard defense of ‘they do it too’ although it’s not a valid justification for taking more of your money on behalf of projects that exist to line politician’s pockets. That he’d be so silently blatant shows just how safe that 1st Ward seat is. The fact that he can be re-elected ad nauseam shows the simplicity of the electorate.

    This now Monarch Butterfly was announced as the second coming when he took over the zoo. One we were fortunate to have available due to early retirement, he’d save it. Look what we got. A politician that does not communicate with the public except via trite soundbites as he’s carrying the administration’s water while picking the public’s pocket. Another $122,000+ is going to Mesker Zoo for sprucing, not a dime to the rotting amphitheater.

    The arrogance of the administration and their functionaries is astounding. Try driving through downtown, that’s your money at work. It’s serious money that could have benefited all of Evansville. The millenials are flocking to Evansville, aren’t they? Well, they are, aren’t they…?

    • Those burnt buildings that we can’t afford to raze do give it a dash of character. Tropicana may up the cash to get rid of them because they don’t want that kind of blight within walking distance of their new land-based casino.

    • Dick Cheney was seen attending several Dubya rallies Joe and he was responsible for killing 600,000 innocent people, thousands of our best and brightest, and all for no-bid contracts.

      And you are what the legal community calls, “fait accompli” by voting for it.

      “Have you no shame sir?” – Something al sharpie taught me to say.

      Everyone can make a mistake bro. Like JoeBiden going fishing with Becker.

      Unsolved Mysteries could definitely start a new series from that excursion.

      F___ Trump….

    • I didn’t bother with your link. Neo-nazi David Duke is supporting Trump. Neither candidate is responsible for undesirables deciding to support their candidacy. It’s part of living in a free country.

    • So? Has this man somehow been linked to his son’s criminal acts? If not, what does it matter who he does or doesn’t support politically?

      • It doesn’t, you’re right DeltaB.
        BUT…..when you have had the past three weeks JoeBiden and Pressanykey have had with Donald Trump……you’ll pick up that penny in the street and say the guy attending the rally is proof Hillary bought the ammo for the “100 selfie-taking” Orlando shooter.
        It is telling neither of them mentioned one word about “Trump’s economic speech.” (they don’t care)

        I say, let JoeB and Press have some fun with this today…….Trump needs help.

        (And Trump looks like a defeated guy on stage repeating teleprompter notes at all of his rallies, at the speech in Wisconsin endorsing John McCain and again in Detroit yesterday. No life in him. His mojo is sleeping with Al Sharpie and BLM Hondo’s wife.)

        • Agreed. I suspect most people are having the same technical difficulties with the site I am. Just let the Trump’s Chumps vent today. It’s not like anything they are posting will have any effect on the outcome of the election.

      • The father does seem to have inspired his son’s behavior in this case, but JB seems to think having an undesirable backer reflects on the candidate. Given the neo-Nazis and white nationalists who back Trump, you’d think JB would be smart enough not to go there. Of course, I’m not sure Bidet realizes that being a raging racist is a negative thing.

  2. Evansville now has a Gold Medalist Olympian in our mists. We have MLB stars, NBA stars and NFL stars from Evansville, but I’m not sure we have ever had someone from Evansville win a gold medal at the Olympics.

    Heck, I didn’t even know that Evansville’s High Schools had swim teams. They don’t have any swimming pools in the local High Schools that I don’t know about do they? And with a short summer swimming season it’s hard to believe that this town could develop an Olympic swimmer like Lilly.

    She smart and exceptionally talented. Congratulations to Lilly King. She graduated from one of the best high schools in the area, F.J. Reitz High School. The Reitz Nation is extremely proud of you I’m sure. They should name a swimming pool after her. The Lloyd pool needs an update or a new facility. Maybe we can name it the Lilly King Swim Complex. Everyone should learn how to swim iMHO.

    • Naming the Lloyd Pool replacement for her is a great idea. It could possibly help the community, such that it is, coalesce around it and ease the funding process. Lilly gave the Russian doper she swam against a little verbal shot too, it was a nice touch.

          • It is a good comment B. Good job. The Olympic Committee won’t do the brave thing and keep the doping Russians out of the games……forcing the “clear” athletes to have to do their admonishing for them. Know this: If you work your ass off and stay clean of performing enhancing drugs…….it is INFURIATING when an athlete wins ahead of you that dopes. It is demoralizing….and wrong. The Russians cheat. Lilly King deserves the chance to say whatever she wants to the doping athletes….it is unfair to ask “clean athletes to lose regularly to dopers” and when they do finally overcome the dopers…to be polite about the issue.

        • To build that indoor swimming pool, it will be expensive. The elites will
          have to have their sky boxes, wet bar, food service, and meeting/conference
          rooms attached to this project.

          Think it sounds strange? There was talk of this if they replace Meskers!

    • Lilly King is the first person from Evansville to win a gold medal in an individual event. There has been at least one person who was on a gold medal winning baseball team back when the Olympics had baseball. It was the pitcher from UE named Andy who was a first round draft pick. There may be some more in team sports.

    • uh, did you ever hear the name Andy Benes? 1988 Olympic Gold Medal winner. And he’s in our midst too.

    “Trump’s debt load has grown dramatically over the last year, from $350 million to $630 million. But all of his bankruptcies (four or six Trump bankruptcies?) mean he can’t get United States bank financing.
    Trump has been, in effect, blackballed by all major US banks.

    And so post-bankruptcy Trump has been highly reliant on money from Russia, most of which has over the years has become increasingly concentrated among oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin. Trump and his family members have made numerous trips to Moscow in search of business opportunities, and they have relied on Russian investors to buy their properties around the world.”

    “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

    This is not media hype (which pathetically, Indiana Enoch and Pressanykey try to say….)

    Trump has close ties to Russian financing and Russian political contacts. His campaign manager, Manafort, STILL represents Russian oligarch wealth in Russia and Ukraine…(and is the guy who changed only ONE section of the RNC Platform ignoring all the talk about social issues – Trump changed the section limiting US arms to Ukraine in the event of another Russian invasion.)

    Now you know why even Fox News conservative Charles Krauthammer considers Trump too dangerous for the Oval Office.
    Trump has a Russian problem….and it appears it is well known by everyone in the US Military and Intelligence Divisions.

    • It was said in 1964 that is you vote for Barry Goldwater the US will be in war ..I voted for Barry and six months later, we were in War ..

      • This is another lie you know.

        “Well, I’m just making crap up” (Grateful Dead)

        The US was at War in Vietnam while Kennedy was in office….years before 1964.

    • Indeed.
      You are quick LKB…yes, he did. The guy is LOSING this thing…..Trump’s kids, Reince Preibus, his campaign staff….EVERYONE is saying, “People think you are crazy. You gotta stop proving they are right!”

      I really can’t believe it. He implied it……and now expect all of his handlers (and Trump himself in a tweet, of course, in a day or so) to say “no, I know it looks like that was what he was implying, but he was not suggesting gun-rights believers assassinate Candidate Clinton”……which only serves to feed the story more.

      I mean…..The Trump Supporters here at the CCO. It’s terrible. Get an ice cream…cool your disgust w/ your Guy.

      • The family should have him declared mentally incompetent. It should work out well for them. Melania is about to “age out” in her job as current wife, and the kids could have direct access to the money without bothering with the Orange Gasbag.

  4. Mr. Trump SHUT UP!!!!
    Are you trying to throw the election?
    I do not want Mrs. Clinton to win.
    I barely want you to win.
    The next 4 to 8 years there will be openings on Supreme Court. Clinton is VERY liberal. I do not want her to appoint anyone to the court.
    You comments might be funny to you but it is not presidential. There was a TV show Southland. One of the actors always says Act Sharp,Look sharp and be sharp.How about look presidential,Act Presidential,be Presidential.
    Read your speeches off a teleprompter like Mr. Obama.
    You can win. Think before you speak.

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