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    • I read this article. The author pretty much says, “Yes, Trump is a dangerous fool. But Trump is more likely to support my far right religious social values, so I am voting for him.”

      Rush Limbaugh is famous for saying, “I know that is what this “so and so” says – BUT my Limbaugh intelligence guided by experience requires me to ask, “Is there any history to support that what he says today, is true?” Rush Limbaugh is right. Is there any history that what Trump says is true?
      When Trump says he will appoint Supreme Court appointees that revoke the right to abortion, put back in school prayer….revoke gay marriage and transgender rights….is Trump telling the truth?….or is Trump telling you what you want to hear to get your Christian vote?
      If you believe Rush Limbaugh and look at his actual history? Trump is pro-choice. Supports the right to choose…the established record is overwhelming. Trump is born and raised in Queens and Manhattan and New York City…as have all of his children are New York City people. What do you expect? Start school with prayers? No. You know he will never support that. Gay marriage and transgender rights? TODAY…Trump says he supports both.

      Rush Limbaugh’s historical record requirement? Well, it is clear…..Trump does NOT share your values.
      But Trump IS a bigot. So if you share THAT value….you should vote for him. Cause THAT one, the historical record is clear. Trump is a bigot….social values?…No, not even close on the historical record though.
      The author believes Trump when he says that he shares Christian values. That’s B-S. But Trump IS a bigot, so YOU decide.

      • No YOU decide. Either Trump or Clinton will be our next president. Which do you prefer?

        • Asked and answered. At 9:03am post.
          You don’t like the answer. But it’s the answer.

  1. Some of the things I am listening for in a presidential candidate, balanced budget, tax reform by the fair tax (consumption not income), debt elimination not deficit reduction, Private SS accounts, authority for abortion, marriage and religion freedom and protection returned to the states, I am not going to hear. Therefore I am left to choose who I feel these values and others will fair best. It has been perplexing to me how vehemently my faith, conservative values, and intelligence has been attacked by those who do not support Trump. Most often these attacks are not based on substantiated evidence of Trumps character but extrapolated from innuendos and emotive journalism.

    • Well, you have four choices Indiana Enoch:
      1. Hillary Clinton (D) disagrees with you on all of those issues, it appears, except the balanced budget objectives and the intent to continue debt reduction, albeit, Clinton will do those things in ways you might disagree with.
      2. Gary Johnson (Libertarian) agrees with you on all of those issues, but avoids all of values and faith issues as he believes such things should be left to the individual, and not the government
      3. Jill Stein (Green) appears to disagree with you on both economic and social values issues
      4. Donald Trump shares none of your ideas on debt reduction (he will increase it), Private SS accounts (he says he will not change SS, at all), he will not use balanced budgets cause he prefers to use debt as a tool, he is the “King of Debt”…so governing, Trump intends to do nothing you like. But Trump is a bigot, he invests all of his time with “white focused issues and white voters”….social values shared with you?….No, there is no history whatsoever that he agrees with you on social values Indiana Enoch. But again, Trump is a bigoted politician and appeals to white voters. So if you share that value with Trump, you appear to have your guy.

      • There are only two choices who will become president. Hillary, or Trump. Which do you choose?

        • I have been clear on this for some time. Trump is not a Republican. I am. Low taxes, pro-business, strong national defense….
          Trump is a dangerous fool He is pro-Russia for God’s sake. Voting for Trump burns down the country.
          So I will not abandon my values. I will vote for the Libertarian who does share all of those values, keep the US from burning down under Trump, and re-take the White House in 4 years from Hillary Clinton.

          • Doesn’t matter anymore DB. Come November Either Hillary or Trump will be our next president. It’s time to end your pontificating and deal with reality.

            I can admire LKB more for supporting Hillary than a Never Trumper supporting Johnson or not voting. (Even though I told LKB she would be given Clinton as her choice.)

            So again, who will you choose, Trump or Clinton? That’s it, the buck stops there. The egg has hatch. The fat lady has sung. Choose.

          • I-E,
            I am being real. Trump is a dangerous fool, and I am a citizen patriot who cares about my country. He supports the Russians, the Commies.
            I am being real. And I have an actual plan that involves choices in the best interest of my country.
            This is the reality, and I question wholeheartedly whether YOU have lost touch. Reagan, Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy…all of them would fire Trump and never allow him near the Oval Office.

          • DB, “Being real” is that either Trump or Clinton will be our next president. You can pontificate, moralize, and justify all you want. Our next president will be Trump or Clinton. There is no third party candidate who will ride in on a white horse and change that reality. Trump or Clinton will be our next president. So which would you prefer? I don’t want to hear who you are voting for or if you’re not voting, or the moral implications of our vote. Trump or Clinton will be the next president. Who do you prefer, Trump, or Clinton?

        • I don’t like that we have a two party system or that we only have two viable choices, but that is what it is and we need to work within us. I looked at Johnson and his views are not closer to mine.

          • Then stop beating up others with your dull club when we are just dealing with the reality before us in the best way we can and choose, Trump or Clinton?

          • (see above….9:03am post. And at least cop to Trump’s primary appeal among his voters…Trump is a bigot)

          • Not an answer. Is it going to be Trump or Clinton? No more pontificating. Doesn’t matter who you are going to vote for or if you are going to vote at all. The next president will be Trump or Clinton. Check one or the other. Trump or Clinton.

      • LKB:
        I saw that too. Summertime polls, and post-convention polls…fun, but like, eating candy fun. Entertaining…but important? Not so sure.
        Here is what is very apparent though:
        1. Hillary has “locked in” about 44% of the national vote.
        2. No one believes the Dems had a bad convention. Big success, Trump even knows it. The Khan thing…biggest success.
        3. Trump “locked in”…not clear. At most? 38% “locked in”…he gets the white male vote, and there’s…..just….not….enough….white….males… make him President. He needs more voters.
        4. Trump has 14% of the non-white vote nationally. 14%!!! KILLER. KILLER, KILLER, KILLER.
        5. It is clear Trump is not gonna change his “white-focused, white-male voter pitch” at this point. He can possibly win by trying to get others votes…..but HE…”I DON’T WANT TO. I AIN’T GONNA DO IT!”

        Cause Trump isn’t trying to win. In fact, he’s now bought in to the loss….”They’re gonna rig this and keep us from winning folks.”
        Fundraising sucks. The Pentagon lost trust in him. He is preparing his white male audience that he is gonna lose.

        • I agree completely about the polls. I’m mainly posting them for PAK, who declared a few days ago that the election was over and Trump had won. This is the first time in history that a candidate lost support after the conventions. Trump is actually down after the conventions and is bragging that his $36,000,000 is “unheard of for the Republicans.” He’s right. It’s an unheard of low. Romney raised over a hundred million in July of 2012. I see Press isn’t around this morning.

          It appears to me that Trump has about a 38% floor and a 44% ceiling. It looks like Hillary’s floor is 44% and her ceiling is around 48-49%.

    • There is no innuendo to be extrapolated in the matter of six bankruptcies, outright lies concerning whether or not he knows Putin, mocking of a handicapped reporter plagiarism of his wife’s speech, bragging about being “the king of debt,” etc.,etc., etc.
      That is a nice phrase you picked up there, but you probably need to think about its meaning before you use it. All you have to do is watch the man on TV and you don’t need to extrapolate from innuendos and emotive journalism.

  2. Here is what ISIS (for LKB and Mr. Becker that stands for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) says about anyone that claims Islam is the religion of peace (Obama and Hillary), specifically the Pope:

    ‘”Pope Francis “has struggled against reality” in his efforts to portray Islam as a religion of peace, the article insists, before going on to urge all Muslims to take up the sword of jihad, the “greatest obligation” of a true Muslim.”

  3. Trump is a racist bigot. He is by no stretch a moral choice. He is also crazy and getting crazier. He’ll tell the 2 Corinthians whatever they want to hear while laughing through that orange mask, ready to turn on a dime. He is for only one thing and that is Trump. He is a deeply troubled egomaniac who has gone over the edge on the national stage. The Townhall article in the CCO this morning is laughable, as all of their articles are. Not one bit of evidence, just yellow/orange journalism. A lot of people have ruined what reputation they ever had supporting this clown. The stain will never go away.

    The Beast is pulling away. Look for Trump to be hospitalized before the election.

  4. FYI…..Last night, Trump was bragging that he raised $35.8 million in July saying:
    “That is unheard of, a Republican record folks”

    Well, I’m bringing this up
    1. Not to display that Trump is a liar, makes stuff up, and does it every time his lips move, BUT instead
    2. I am pointing it out because TRUMP IS IN FINANCIAL TROUBLE. $35.8 million is a DISASTER for July.

    How so?
    Mitt Romney’s Presidential Campaign raised $101 million dollars in July of his campaign.
    Of course Trump is lying.
    But more importantly……Trump’s Presidential campaign is a train wreck.

  5. Is it possible that the sub-culture of the intelligence community was responsible for the timely release of the DNC emails ..some indication is pointing to a collaborative effort with Wikilinks to shipwreck Hilliary as the race for the White House intensifies ..if this has any merit, should we be prepared for some of those 33,000 deleted email to mysteriously find their way into the media?

    • In Sunday’s Wallstreet Journal there was a foreboding article about the release of technologies to the Russians that, according to military experts gave them blueprints into cruise missile technology. Hillary was co-chair of a committee with Russia that transferred high technology to Russia that has military uses. The companies involved gave money to her foundation and one paid her $325,000 in speaking fees according to the article.

        • THE ARTICLE was authored by a guy who is selling a book.
          There is a whole industry surrounding political campaigns that make money for people – Sarah Palin – was she really running for VP or talking about running for President in 2012 to actually run?…or was she promoting books, t-shirts, tv shows and such?

          And this guy’s book? The book that he wants to promote and sell…?
          It’s called “Clinton Cash.”
          He wants to sell a bunch of books to people that don’t like Hillary Clinton.
          The book is called “Clinton Cash”….and he even paid Rush Limbaugh to talk about it.

          • I-E:
            Do you believe that Jesus and Mary Magdelene were husband and wife? That the vessel that contained the dripped blood of Jesus Christ was not a cup called the Holy Grail, but in fact was Jesus’ wife, Mary Magdelene carrying the child of Jesus in her womb…and that Jesus’ bloodline is alive and well today?

            Cause a guy wrote this Holy Blood/Holly Grail book…..that said all of those “makes a good yarn” things….and does authoring his book make the information wrong?

          • I don’t believe that Jesus was married because I know the truth. Do you know that Hillary is not selling positions? Does it seem like something she would do? Is there not evidence from the convention that this position peddling was happening? So I would concluded that the source is reliable.

        • She has always been and always will be for sale. Hillary is one of the most compromised dishonest people to ever be a serious candidate for president. Against a half decent republican she would get her clock cleaned.

          Trump is turning out to be a fool on the campaign trail. He gave a good convention speech that was written for him and the polls quickly turned in his favor. Then he went out and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by attacking the family of an American soldier who died for our country. He cannot stand success. He makes some statement that makes you think “WTF” at least weekly. I am beginning to think he is just in this for shock effect or that there is something very wrong with his judgement.

          The way things are goin Hillary will become president. It will set a terrible precedent with respect to lack of accountability just like Bill did by not having to answer for lying to a federal grand jury. I could care less about the girl under the desk, but circumventing the rule of law is not acceptable. She should not even be on the ballot and wouldn’t be if she and her surrogates had told the whole truth.

          I am voting for Johnson, with the belief that he can’t win. I cannot allow myself to cast a vote for either a pathological liar or someone with impaired judgement when it comes to extemporaneous speaking.

          • Joe:
            Sensible people all over America, throughout the Republican Party….and especially in the Pentagon and who work to provide for the national security of the United States….are coming to the same conclusion about Donald Trump – he is a dangerous fool and should come nowhere near the Oval Office.

          • Donald Trump is impaired. He’s unstable and does not have a conscious IMHO. He is self centered to the point that he would be very dangerous if he were elected. He sticks his big foot in his mouth every day now. I’m thinking that he is mental. Just last night I was watching Dr. Drew and he implied the same thing IIRC.

            Hillary is anti gun and for that reason alone I would not want her appointing people to the US Supreme Court that would rewrite the 2nd amendment though judicial activism. Reading words into the 2nd amendment that are not there and were never intended to be there.

            I think that many people are starting to realize just what Donald Trump is like. He can’t control his own emotions and when he feels threaten by something he does not understand he goes on the attack like a pit bull. He scares me. I never did like his personality from the first time I saw him on his reality TV show. YOUR FIRED. Anyone that enjoys that kind of thing and does that to other people will never by my friend. That’s just not the type of person that I am. His attacking the family of the soldier who not only died for his country but was a hero for helping to save others is something that most people in the military will never forget or forgive him for.

          • The defeat from the jaws of victory thing migh tbe indecative of Trump actually being a true republican.

            I think the Gold star play was contrived and have little remorse for the family when the threw it into the political ring, but it accomplished it’s purpose. Someone knew that Trump would not allow an offense against him lie even when picking it up would burn him. That will be a weakness that a man like Putin will play against him like Stalin played Roosevelt and Churchill.

            And as much as can be said about Khan’s true associations, they will not play louder than Trump’s response. He best be spending some of his billions on a coach, but I don’t think he can be coached.

            You were in for Johnson before I was in for Trump and have leaned libertarian ever since I have known you. So I find integrity in your support of him

          • DB, Sensible people in the republican party and elsewhere have reconciled themselves to the fact that the next president will be Trump or Hillary. They realized that like him or not their values will fair better under Trump than Hillary. They have dried their tears and accepted that like him or not, their values will fair best under Trump. So which do you prefer, Trump or Hillary?

  6. $700 million+ CSO sewer repair has made the front page of C&P again.
    Can someone explain to me why it is the water rate payers that are footing this bill?
    If we had CSO every day of the year, I would agree with this thinking. But it is not!
    It only happens when we receive several quick inches of rain, or several days of soaking rain.
    Out here in the county we pay ditch assessments which maintains ditches/waterways which carries
    off our rain water. It is based off of acreage that is feeding into that county legal ditch, not some
    gimmick associated to it.

    With a gimmick out here, ditch assessments would be like this.
    A acre lot with a home on it would pay, say $100 a month.
    A 40 acre tract would also pay $100 a month, but is dumping 40 times more water into the system.
    A 80 acre tract would not pay anything because of the gimmick, but is dumping 80 times more
    the that home owner.

    In the city, the gimmick is water usage.
    A lot with a home pays $100

    A whole city block with a use car dealer, would pay a little more, but be dumping 10 times the water
    into the system.

    A city lot that may be all parking, no water service, They pay nothing, but are dumping all that water into the system for “FREE”!

  7. Mr. Khan vs Mr. Con

    One of my sons has spent half of his adult life bouncing around all of those rat holes in the Middle East. Earlier in the war he and a couple of his buddies every 3 days would have to go about a mile from base and check abandoned vehicles for IED’s (bombs). He sent me a picture of him opening the hatch on a burnt out tank and looking inside so I asked him why he was even wearing a helmet. He said the same reason kamikaze’s wore them. He said when you’re in this business you just do what you are told to do.

    A lot is expected out of our military. Just as much should be expected out of the rest of us.

    Gold Star families should automatically be given the benefit of the doubt even when disagreeing with what they say.

    After all, they can never regain what they’ve lost but you will always have the option of changing your opinion because of the sacrifice of their lose.

    See, this is a good example….

  8. No danger that Rump’s mother could have become a Gold Star Mom. During the Vietnam era, the cowardly draft dodger Rump took 4 deferments for education and one for bad feet (easy enough when you sport cloven hooves). Five Deferment Rump: quick to run down real war heroes.

    • Trump was not about to experience discomfort for the good of this country then, and he’s not about to do it now. He has absolutely no desire to be president and he is trying to lose. I think he underestimated the number of racists and bigots in this country.

      • The country is rife with them, always has been. They were just waiting for somebody like him to surface so they could come flying out of the closet. It makes ’em feel proud to write his name. He is clearly seriously mentally ill, they’ll give him a pass on that, his multiple bigotries and everything else. He validates them. Makes it OK, for this thin slice of time, to be a poly-bigot. Drumpf (in the striped suit of a carnival barker, waving a cane in his effete little hands): ‘pick one, women/blacks/Muslims, we’ve got something for everybody…’).

        If, on the slim chance he doesn’t already have someone’s pet bigotry covered, they need only tweet the twerp. He’ll put it on the list and have something right out of the gutter to say about them next time he can find a microphone. The media has finally realized that part of his strategy is to extinguish one controversy with another even more egregious one. They are trying to hold him to account while he tries to wiggle away. People like Eddie Munster Ryan will pay a steep price for their tepid support of him while the bigots in the hinterlands will just go back into remission, waiting for the next Trump to ratify their hatred.

  9. Hired on Bill Clinton’s watch in 1997. Contracted to Hillary’s State Department. Actively spying for China 2011 to 2016.

    The dynamic duo, Bill & Hillary strike again. Makes one wonder how much Chinese operatives have poured into the Clinton Foundation?

  10. Like it or not, Barack Obama is one of the most popular out-going presidents in recent history. Here’s what he just said about birther Trump.

  11. The first Fire Marshal he ripped was a community hero in Colorado Springs, one of the most conservative, evangelical enclaves in the country. He knew Hillary already had Colorado wrapped up, so I guess he decided he could do that.

  12. This complaint from Trump about………wait………the Fire Marshall!!!
    Everyone is out to get him!!
    Trump CAN NOT contain his demons. CAN NOT contain them.
    Impulsive lashing out at the smallest of things….last night, it was the Fire Marshall.
    Trump is a fool. A dangerous fool.

    • That cackling voice in his head is a demanding taskmaster. He’s probably saving it for last, his last excuse as they are carting him off for treatment. There is something very wrong with him.

      Hillary (and Bill as her detractors always add, even though he isn’t running for anything) provide very poor fodder to construct a false comparison with Trump. Trump is mentally ill. The Clintons are smart, quite accomplished and haven’t exactly got the free ride the Trumpeteers would have you believe. They impeached him and took away his law license for a while, basically over nothing. For answering a question in a perjury trap just as most people would. Simply spiteful criminalization of politics. She has been investigated right up to her Howdy Doody face and no charges have ever been brought. The simple lies she can’t help but tell are over ginned up nothing issues brought by her political opponents (squawk…squawk……Whitewater…). They pale in comparison with the Orange GasBag’s serial pathological lying. You’d never know that by what the Republican slime machine has cranked out over the course of 30 or so years. I believe the constant attacks on the Clintons have contributed to The Beast’s smugness, one of her least endearing traits.

      Trump’s never really been too far out of this race but he’s never had any lead that held for any length of time. He has never been in a position where it could fairly be said of him that he had a commanding lead. Barring a major incursion into a NATO country by Putin, he will lose in November. Probably will anyway.

      • The Republicans and Democrats I know that would never vote for a black president will also never vote for a female one.

        Not even a white one.

        Actually if you really think about it, that makes sense….

      • ….PAK’s female critters comment is like the tenth best example he has posted at the CCO that displays his lack of respect for women, immigrants, ethnic groups and anyone who is not a white male.
        It breaks into the top ten for him, I think.

  13. California “female congress critters”?? Really? My deepest sympathies to Mrs. PAK, if there is one.

  14. Trump is having problems……and even I am astounded at how small, self-damaging and shallow he is being.
    The guy is clearly wrong for the Oval Office.
    But….his mistakes and seeming ignorance is so bad…..I think the better case is – he is trying to lose it.

    • If you listen to Bandana, he says Trump is not mentally and also not physically fit for office.

      Bandana – One smart dude man….

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