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  1. So every Wednesday morning a 4:30 I am awoke by a garbage truck unloading the dumpster across the street. Today I decide to call the company and complain. I was told that they would talk to the owner. M response was I don’t need you to talk to the owner I need him to stop picking up the trash a 4:30. I was then told that they have a job to do, and I told the lady so do I. She said there was nothing I could do, and I said the cit could. She told me go ahead and call the city. So does anyone know who I call? If I understand correctly a roofer can’t begin hammering before 6:00 am so I doubt a garbage truck can either.

    • If a garbage truck “hammers”, look out for a oil slick beneath it!!!!!!!

      Call “Tuckers Realtors” and ask for Carol!

    • I-E: It’s a good question. Call the police. Violation of noise ordinance.

      The guy who hires the Garbage company is the key here, not the garbage company. To them, you’re an angry old man who is a nuisance.

      • Well you just had to say old 🙂 Yes, my next call is to the owner of the business. And a few neighbors. I am hoping someone knows where I can find a noise ordinance. What really made me angry was the attitude of the person I spoke with. I wasn’t angry until I was treated like there job gives them a greater right than mine. To think someone would be so offensive to a nice Christian, Trump supporter like me. What would Trump say? “I have garbage. I have huge garbage. There is no one who has more garbage than me. And I have garbage trucks to take care of it. They are huge trucks. No one has bigger garbage trucks than me. They have huge tires. I have garbage in Russia and all over the world. I know garbage.” He’ll make my neighborhood great again.

        • Well. I’m old too.
          Great post. I laughed out loud….
          FYI…cops get calls all the time about loud bikes, music, parties, etc. No one consults the noise ordinance. Unless you’re hiring a lawyer, I wouldn’t do it. But everyone relates to loud noises in the middle of the night. (Give the cops the Owner’s number and the Garbage Company’s “Logistics/Field Manager’s” phone number.)

          • Oh. And ask your neighbors to report it to the Cops too. They’re all logged…reports are always logged.

          • ….this is a funny topic. Let us know how it goes. They are noisy. You can be noisy too….oh, print out the Cop’s phone numbers and a script for all of your neighbors to read when they make the call. Present it to the neighbors that “we have to take control of what’s happening here, or next they’re gonna place a Cell Tower across the street.” That will make sure they actually help you I-E.

          • We just take each other and ourselves to serious at times and need to laugh. Makes me feel good for you to laugh with me.

        • That is funny.

          They do it around here too. I’ll bet their contract allows for it. I’ve heard people near where I live complain about the early morning wake ups.

          If you get to talk to them they’ll have a hundered excuses, none good. Probably range from ‘less traffic out…’ to ‘we got a better deal for you when we signed away the last couple hours of your sleep, do you want to pay more’? The garbage company’s rudeness is likely backed by the city conferring on them the right to let those loud behemoth’s rock in the early a.m. hours. It is why it’s called a garbage company.

          • The voice on the other end challenged me to call the city, so there must be some exemption from noise ordinances for them. But there are many ways of being noisy and some they will not like. I did call the owner of the business. She was very congenial and said she would call the trash service, so we will see.

            I have named the company, yet, but I will say that the owner broke bad a few years ago. He was a Walter White wanna-e but began sampling his own product.

          • I remember that case. For an administration that likes to pretend concern about ‘quality of life issues’ this would seem to be an opportunity for them to actually put up.

            No hydraulics until 6 a.m., that’s what I always say. Ask my wife.

        • LOL Throw in some “Very Very big garbage trucks. Trump likes to use the word “very” a lot. I was taught to not use too many adjectives and keep it simple.

          I’d call the Sheriff or City Police and complain about the noise. I see no difference between that garage truck’s noise and someone playing loud music in the early AM hours.

        • Call 812-436-4962. It’s the Mayor’s office. There is a very nice lady who answers the phone and she will be able to tell you who to call in City government. You may or may not get the help you need, but she’s so sweet you’ll feel better about the whole thing, either way.

    • I see they used that preprogram “mechanical mannequin” again last night.
      Wonder where they hide the real dummy during these recent speeches?
      Wasn’t Obama slammed for using teleprompters during his speeches of years
      past by the GOP bunch?

    • The morning commentators are criticizing Trump for “stepping on” his own story because of announcing this immediately after a “major policy speech” last night. I saw that speech, and I think stepping on it is the best thing they can do. He promised more policemen and alluded to “broken windows” type policing. Then he promised the black folks he’d deport the undocumented workers so they can have the jobs. He also promised to bring jobs back to America, so I wonder when they are going to announce that the Trump clothing, accessory, home décor and lifestyle products are now American made. To be clear, he promised whatever African Americans who tuned in to the speech he would get rid of Hispanics. There were virtually none in the hall and he was speaking from a white suburb of Milwaukee.
      AnimatronicXanaxed Trump is not nearly so life-like as animatronic Barack Obama in Disney World. They really need to get a better engineer to work on Trumpy.

  2. The new downtown hotel is “on time and on budget”.
    Oh, wait a minute. Per the C&P:

    Sarah Schuler with VPS Architecture says, “There is a contingency fund that is maintained through the construction project so that as we do discover some of these items, we are able to cover the costs of those.”

    VPS Architecture – design by Addendum, construct by Change Order. Should be interesting to see what the final bottom line ends up and how much of it is Change Orders to cover “oopsies”.

  3. The Wall Street Journal, as Bandana mentioned above, is reporting Trump has changed campaign staff….again….adding the bomb-throwing, set-things-on-fire and then report how emergency response people die putting it out….Breitbart News Editor Bannon, as his new Campaign Manager.
    Can we finally stipulate:
    1. Jesus Christ, Joe Biden…HE who reads and pretends Breitbart News links are ACTUAL news…when everyone else in the world knows Breitbart News is a paid advertising firm for Donald Trump – AND NOT FREAKING NEWS – Joe, how brilliant you are to get your NEWS from a Trump advertising company? I mean, Bannon/Breitbart RUNS HIS FREAKING CAMPAIGN!!! Sir, you are a foolish little boy…if you think you are reading NEWS when you log onto Breitbart News. Breitbart News is a public relations/advertising agency for God’s sake. Thanks for all of the Breitbart Advertising company links….seen so regularly from you and Pressanykey here at the CCO.
    2. Well….it certainly appears Trump has decided to lose the Campaign everyone. He knows he’s going to lose…Lose on his own terms?……..Sure!!!……but when you hire a Breitbart’s Editor to run your campaign… know the Trump campaign strategy is to BURN everything in sight…….not win. Trump has accepted losing. That’s the news today.

    • The consequences of this Trump decision to bring on the Breitbart thing roll and roll.

      Trump effectively told Reince Preibus, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan (Head of the Republican Party, GOP Senate Majority Leader and GOP Speaker of the House) to go “f-themselves.” Trump is saying “I don’t care about Evan Bayh winning…let him win. I don’t care about Senate GOP races. I don’t care about House GOP races.”

      And what do they think? Well clearly…”And we don’t want you to win.” (Trump “doesn’t want to win” BTW)

  4. MAN… Trump supporters……who LOVE conspiracy theories.
    You gotta wonder why you are haplessly trying to help Trump win this thing………when IT ALL SEEMS like Trump doesn’t want to win it.

    This is a quote from “All The President’s Men”:
    “The people behind all of this (Watergate) were frightened of Muskie and that’s what got him destroyed. They wanted to run against McGovern. Look who they’re running against!”

    And then insert this:
    “The people behind all of this were frightened of Bush/Kasich and that’s what got them destroyed. They wanted to run against Trump. Look who they’re running against!”

    Cause if Bush or Kasich were running now……..THIS would all be over. Hillary would be down 20 percent in the polls. You say, “Well…those guys were not real conservatives.” Really? Trump is a conservative? (No, he’s a Democrat and a NYC liberal.) And then you say, “Well…those guys wouldn’t have appointed the SCOTUS people we wanted.” (Yes they would have…That is a “YES.” BETTER than Trumps.)
    You still want Trump? Well if you do… PROVE the adage….”He insisted he wanted to be right. And he’s gonna be right, alright….all the way to being right and no money to put in the bank.”

    Press, JoeBiden…re-read that “All the President’s Men” quote. Conspiracy? Might be. (smile)

      • I read this……I don’t know what you are talking about.

        It says 54% of the people in the poll think Clinton will win the election……Trump: 40%.
        Go back to Breitbart Joe…’ll be told what you want to hear.

        • LKB….and that RCP. Elkaybee is a professional at this JoeBiden.

          When RCP talks, people listen. LKB breathes RCP. RCP: beauty, innovation, design and precision. “The best poll in America, after RCP, you mean?” Elkabee LAUGHS at you and you and your insignificant polls JB.
          “RCP. There is no substitute.” (Elkaybee)

          • LKB….flinty, impervious, formidable.

            I give you crap LKB, but I take it back.
            Give’em hell kid. It’s your time.
            The next President of the United States is gonna be a Woman.

          • I actually do have some expertise in polling. RCP is a compilation of polls, so you can see the trends at a glance. is similar in that they use polling information in three different models that they revise every time a new poll comes out. Those two are the best available data, I believe.
            The interesting news for today is that while Hillary trails in IN by 11 pts, Gregg s only down 1 and Evan Bayh is up by seven. Indiana is on its way to “battleground state status.

      • May find a poll in Russia as well that has Trump ahead.
        Or would that be a poll who “they” want to see win!

  5. Explanations for the latest shake up (the ‘expansion’, they say) in Trump’s campaign just took place in front of Trump Tower. Trump’s ‘African-American’ is standing in the background, dutifully manning the door. He is wearing the standard mandated attire, white vest, white gloves. At least Trump didn’t require Katy Tur to wear an … uh, a bandana, around her hair to keep her press credentials.

    I know, they all do it.

  6. For Pussified Press and Joe Bidet

    A letter sent by FBI Acting Assistant Director Jason Herring to the House Oversight Committee confirms that the three emails media is making such hay over did not originate with Secretary Clinton, nor was the use of the term “extremely careless” meant to establish some mythical standard of conduct which did not exist before Director Comey’s statement.

    Herring also specifically compared the Clinton emails with the prosecutions of Bryan Nishimura, David Petraeus, and Sandy Berger. In all of those cases, the FBI said, there was “clear evidence of knowledge and intent,” which was not present in the actions of Hillary Clinton.

    As for the term “extremely careless,” Herring explained that the term was “intended to be a common sense way of describing the actions of Secretary Clinton and her colleagues.” He further clarified that “the facts did not support a recommendation to prosecute her or others within the scope of the investigation for gross negligence.”

    This will surely not deter the spittle-flecked Trump supporters (PAK, Bidet) out there shouting “Lock her up!” But for those who encounter people who are only marginally paying attention, the three main takeaways here are as follows:

    Clinton did not send emails with information marked classified in them. She received them.

    There was no intent on her part — or her staff’s — to share classified information with people not entitled to see it.

    There has been no determination by the State Department as to whether these three e-mails were classified at the time they were sent.

    This letter appears to be intended as a slap back at Republicans who are using this bogus investigation for nothing more than cynical political gain. As if a mere letter from the FBI would stop that.

    So for the Drumpf morons: Hillary did not lie about not sending classified e-mails on her private server.

    Now of course the Republicans will still try to make the case that having these e-mails stored on her private server put them at risk of falling into the hands of our enemies.

    However we then have to remind ourselves that the State Department, White House, and FBI have all been hacked. In fact there is new evidence that even the NSA was hacked.

    In other words perhaps the safest e-mail system in the country was the one that Hillary Clinton was using as Secretary of State.

  7. Houston Chronicle:

    Three out of five Texans support secession if Hillary becomes president.

    26.96 million (2014)

    That is 16,176.000 who want NO PART OF HILLARY CLINTON!

    • The Percentage who want no part of Hillary here in Indiana is probably even higher.

      • PRESS:
        Your guy is doing more to help elect Hillary Clinton than any silly little CCO Tweet you post here.
        You are whining about Clinton a lot, I guess cause you realize she’s gonna win.
        But you are not sharing what you want voters to do?
        Trump is helping to elect H. Clinton…fueling a river a voters straight to Clinton.
        What should Trump be doing differently Press?….cause right now he’s helping Clinton.

      • What’s your point? A minority of the population of Texas wants nothing to do with Hillary. The same can be said of Trump in numerous other states, New York and California included.

    • Pussified Press

      Nonsense poll. Secession is not legal for Texas, so this BS has no validity…

    • Big deal! I’d like to let Texas succeed. It would serve as a great “buffer” between the US and Mexico.

      • …Press’ posting an infantile Texas secession poll is a classic symptom he’s given up.

      • Let Texass secede, as long as they pay back all the money they owe the federal government. They’ll quickly be annexed by Mexico again and this time we won’t help them.

      • I thought you and Hillary supported illegal immigration. Why do you feel we need a barrier against Mexicans comming into the US? Instead of a wall like Trump you want a state.

  8. Boy that post sure brought all the maggots out of Hillary’s old dead stinking carcass .

    • Pussified Press

      No, the only maggots are the one canoodling in your noggin (which explains your ranting and not making sense)

      You should consider some sort of de-worming potion administered intra-nasally.

    • Ha! Owning a worthless post…..thanks Press. (…and whew! You are close to the edge, that is some apocalyptic writing coming out of your fingers. Have some lemonade.)

      • Don

        Pussified Press has had too much of the right wing tea bagger Kool Aid already. Not sure if it is a good idea for him to drink much more………

    • LOL!

      Second best post of the day.

      You’ll have me voting for Mop Head with a few more masterpieces like that.

      Keep up the good work….

  9. Channel 14 News (on-line) is reporting the Spencer County School Cotporation is implementing a new English Learner program. I guess the school system got tired of all those farm folk’s kids coming to school speaking German instead of English. That’s what it means, right?

    • Be careful of what you say about “Germans” out in Armstrong Township!
      We had to go to English out here when the Great War broke out!
      Had a Uncle who had to go back to first grade because of lack of any English,
      instead of going to third grade speaking their native German in our one
      room township schools!

  10. Dear CCO Editorial Staff

    Well, our local renegade barrister is at it again, Drumpfing his way across America

    He takes aim at bitching about Pence and the AG not “properly defending the rule of law” in a lawsuit against Indiana and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)

    Seems that Josh has his panties in a twist over Pence not doing his job (at least how Josh sees it). This week, a judge heard arguments in a case of religious leaders who are suing because they say the “fix” hurts their religious freedom. Their quarrel with the state law is that the law still requires that they include homosexuals, even if something is explicitly for heterosexuals. They cite a religious marriage counseling class that is aimed at heterosexual couples, which they believe should allow them bar anyone not heterosexual.

    Poor, poor Josh. All twisted up because those darn gays might want equal rights. I bet the GOP convention attendees would be OK…..

  11. Rush Limbaugh changed his email address today.

    …….somebody is scared his email has been hacked……..too.

    BTW….Rush Limbaugh said this today…asked if it was time to panic over the Trump campaign losing the election:
    “It would appear that it’s time to panic, but I don’t think that it is. If panic means conceding that we’ve lost, then I’m not there. Many people — and I don’t mean this presidential race, I mean the country. And I don’t think it’s that time. At least I’m not ready to concede that we’ve lost the country.”

    NOT exactly a confident answer folks.

    • Moot point.

      5 heart no-bid Cheney made a mockery of the health question for anyone at that level but I do expect a $7 million dollar Select Committee to look into Hillary’s health shortly.

      But under oath Dr. Drew will fold like a cafeteria chair like the rest of the Mop Head Groupies who want to see their country destroyed.

      Just a sign of the times….

      • Seriously…….PRESSANYKEY is posting an article from……..wait……..InfoWars?

        He has lost it. Bag of cats in Press’ head.

    • ….well Press. I normally don’t click on the links you post because there’s always something suspicious, or a flat-out lie about them. You have a bad reputation for posting stuff from fake sources, or inaccurate/lying news.

      But I clicked on this one cause I am feeling sorry for you.

      And indeed………….BAD AGAIN. The damn article is OUT OF DATE…..cause it is from LAST FREAKIN’ MARCH.

      You can tell when Trump lies cause his lips are moving. With you?….it’s become the same.
      What in the HELL are you going to do IF and WHEN Trump loses Press?

  12. HEADLINE: (uh……from Today, not 6 months ago)
    Trump staff upheaval highlights a candidate who lost his way in the general election

    “Coming 82 days before the general election, the staff changes had the distinct bouquet of desperation rather than the kind of routine and orderly “expansion” that the candidate and his senior advisers described.”

    Candidate’s new campaign chief is a true believer in Trumpism (btw, from today, not 6 months ago)

    “Breitbart News, the website run by Donald Trump’s new campaign chief executive, Stephen Bannon, has become a champion of the mogul’s candidacy in part because Bannon believes it represents a cause much bigger than a political race. Bannon sees Trump’s views as part of a global movement that will continue no matter who is sitting in the Oval Office next January, those close to him say.”

    …..or, in other words, these two guys KNOW THEY ARE GOING TO LOSE…..but are gonna exploit their voters and use the election to start a new wacko cable news network to compete with Fox News.

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