Attorney General Todd Rokita’s Response To The Supreme Court Decision 


The Office of the Indiana Attorney General believes today’s Supreme Court decision to deny our request to hear Governor Holcomb’s lawsuit against the General Assembly is incorrect.  We had hoped the Court would give due consideration to an equal branch of government and follow the plain constitutional and statutory text protecting the legislature’s ability to operate.  We believe that the rule of law is on the Indiana General Assembly’s side.

AG Rokita released the following statement.

“The plain text of both the Indiana Constitution and state statute requires postponement of any lawsuit during a session so that lawmakers may focus their attention on the legislative process. Ignoring that protection sets a dangerous legal precedent, seemingly inconsistent with the rule of law. Unfortunately, the court did not give a reason for its decision, which was not unanimous. My office looks forward to debating the merits of the case.”


  1. Not much can be said, A.G., without some meat on the bones. If the courts shroud themselves in secrecy then it would indicate that there is no rule of law. That seems to be where the country is headed. The People can’t equally and lawfully participate without knowing the facts.

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