Attorney General Todd Rokita Wins Historic Pro-Life Case To Protect The Unborn 


Rokita’s Work Lifts The Dismemberment Injunction, And Expands Rights Of The Unborn  

Attorney General Todd Rokita today announced a historic legal win in his work to protect the lives and liberty of the unborn.

After the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, Attorney General Rokita immediately filed a motion to lift the current injunction on dismemberment abortions, which occur well after the unborn baby is fully developed. A federal district court granted that motion yesterday.

“The court’s ruling this week vacating its earlier injunction that permitted this gruesome procedure to continue is an exciting battle victory in our war to defend the unborn and protect women,” Attorney General Rokita said. “My office will continue to take all necessary steps to limit abortion, assist mothers, empower families to choose life, and ultimately protect the lives of the unborn.”

In a separate case, Attorney General Rokita today filed a motion with the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals to reestablish the parental notice requirement for minors to have an abortion. A district court ruled yesterday that it did not have jurisdiction to consider that motion.

“Indiana has a long history of defending life,” Attorney General Rokita said. “I’ll continue to do everything in my power to protect unborn children and the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of their mothers.”

Attorney General Rokita has made it a priority to advance the pro-life movement throughout his time in office and continues that work daily. While many states may refuse to take necessary action to protect life, Indiana is paving the way without hesitation.


  1. Thank you so very much Todd Rokita for saving the lives of our unborn babies. God Bless you. If there is anything I can do to help your cause,please let me know. IMMEDIATELY.

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