Todd Rokita leads 19 states defending former President Trump’s right to be on the ballot in 2024


Attorney General Todd Rokita this week co-led a 19-state coalition in defending former President Trump’s right to appear on the Colorado ballot in 2024.

“The legal effort to banish President Trump from Colorado’s ballot in 2024 smacks of the same underhanded sliminess that provoked such skepticism among Americans after the 2020 elections,” Attorney General Rokita said. “State-by-state efforts to thwart the democratic process of electing a president disenfranchises voters in other states like Indiana.”

Indiana voters have a direct interest in this case, Attorney General Rokita added.

“If any state prohibits a legitimate presidential candidate from appearing on their ballot, that action would serve to squelch the voices of voters from every other state who supported that candidate,” Attorney General Rokita said. “Hoosiers cannot tolerate such an assault on democracy and election integrity.”

Attorney General Rokita and West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey led a 19-state amicus brief calling upon the Colorado Supreme Court to dismiss a case challenging Trump’s eligibility to appear on that state’s ballot. The brief asserts that the Constitution gives Congress, not courts, authority to decide who is eligible to run for federal office under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

“We need to protect the integrity of our elections, and actions like this undermine the right of the citizens to choose who they want to represent them in every level of government,” Attorney General Morrisey said. “This is a very simple argument: Congress gets to decide on matters like this.”



  1. .
    The question IS NOT whether Trump sent a mob of criminals and thug domestic terrorists to attack the US Congress on that January 6th. That mob attacked, beat the crap out of, and sent public servant Police Officers to their death! Trump did that. This is not in dispute.

    Rokita, along w/ some of the other weak-minded Trump fans , are trying to say, “This is America, and if Trump wants to try to get on the ballot, even if he sent a mob to attack the US Congress, the law shouldn’t prohibit that.”

    Maybe so. But let’s be clear:
    Trump is a Putin fan. He is a wanna-be dictator. And Trump is a major-league treasonous scumbag for his role sending a mob of (now convicted) criminals and terrorists to attack the US Capitol Building. He is the worst of humanity. And he is under indictment for many, many alleged crimes.

    If you are willing to spend your vote on Trump? Good God. What does that say about you?

    • I have never in my 85 years of age seen anyone as low down as Donald Trump Jr is all about self control of everything he comes in contact with he wants to be over every body an if you speak the truth about him you are the bad person he is a cannon ball he is hillter he wants to be over the hole world it would be the worst 😞 thing ever

  2. I do believe in innocent until convicted. But to say that Congress is the determining factor on who is on the ballot does ignore the fact that the US Constitution does set out guidelines to allow the courts to determine the facts in legal matters. This seems to be the trend of some Republican AG when it comes to cases that they believe should not be heard in the courts. As many current Republican office holders seem to believe that they laws should be upheld when they agree with them and disregarded when they don’t. I miss the old Republican Party, the one that fought for what was good for their voters by listening to them instead of the current ‘We know what is best for you, so shut up, and follow along with what we say”. This the current reference to RINO. I have seen so much bad politics in last 20+ years, that it is starting to remind me of post WW1 European politics and we need to go back to a few decades and reboot American politics. I miss Senator Lugar.

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