Home Community News Artist Diane Albin to Jury Annual Exhibit, Art Noir

Artist Diane Albin to Jury Annual Exhibit, Art Noir

The Arts Council is pleased to present the annual exhibit Art Noir, a black and white juried exhibit. The Arts Council will be accepting artist registrations through January 27th. Art Noir will open with a reception on February 13th from 5-7pm, and will run through March 13th at the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana’s Bower-Suhrheinrich Foundation Gallery, located at 318 Main Street in downtown Evansville. This year’s juror is Diane Albin from Owensboro, KY. View the juror’s work at www.behance.net/dalbin. The exhibit calendar and award information is listed below. For more information and to view the full prospectus, please visit artswin.org.


Exhibit Calendar:

Registration Deadline: January 27th

Artwork Drop-off: February 6th

Juried: February 9th

Artist Notification Email: February 10th

Non-accepted Pick-up: February 11th

Opening Reception: February 13, 5-7pm

Exhibit Closes: March 13th

Artwork Pick-up: March 13th

*All dates work within the Gallery’s regularly scheduled hours (10am-4pm), with the exception of the opening reception on February 13th (5-7pm).



Best of Show: $300

1st Place- $200

2nd Place- $150

3rd Place- $50


Juror: Dianne Albin, Owensboro, KY www.behance.net/dalbin

“We are constantly changed by life, and as an artist I am challenged not only to respond to what is most obvious, but also to those deeper, richer aspects that most define what it means to be human.”


Location and Contact Information:

Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana

318 Main St. Ste. 101

Evansville, IN 47708

(812) 422-2111




Twitter @ARTSWIN


Gallery Hours:

Monday: By appointment only

Tuesday-Friday: 10am-4pm