Home Community News Art in the City 2018

Art in the City 2018

Art in the City
The Arts Council’s first exhibit at 212 Main Street!
Art in the City is the annual opportunity for Arts Council artist members to display one piece in a professional gallery setting without artwork being juried into the exhibit. The best part is that entry is FREE for members! Not a member yet? Click here for information on how to pay your annual dues.
The deadline to return the pre-registration form is Monday, September 17th, by 4 pm. You can find that form and the guidelines for the exhibit in the prospectus by clicking the button below. If you have any questions, you can email Andrea at andrea.adams@artswin.org.
Please note the dates have changed on the calendar of the Art in the City exhibit. Also note that drop off will be at our new location, 212 Main Street, in Downtown Evansville.