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Arena to Welcome Nonprofits Prior to Opening


(EVANSVILLE, IN)- A reminder that the deadline for area nonprofit groups to apply to utilize the new Evansville Arena without paying a rental fee, before the Arena officially opens to the public, is July 18th. Interested groups are being asked to fill out an application at http://www.evansvillearenaproject.com/content/application-nonprofit-event-new-evansville-arena Final selections will be made by August 17th.

“We want to invite nonprofit groups to experience the arena in a way that they wouldn’t normally be able to do once the venue is open,” said Kathy Kleindorfer, Chairman of the Evansville Arena Project Committee. “This is our community’s arena and this is just one of the ways we will be introducing it to the public.”

Reservation-type events of more than 50 people and less than 500 will be considered. Nonprofits will not be charged a rental fee, but they will be responsible for the cost of set up and tear down as well as providing chairs, tables, etc. Groups must also arrange for a caterer if food is being served.

Available dates will fall between mid-October and the first week in November as time and space will allow. Saturdays are not included.