Area lawmakers: State sends over $1.6M to accelerate local road improvements


    STATEHOUSE  – More than $1.6 million is headed to local communities to accelerate road and bridge improvements, according to area legislators.

    State Rep. Tim O’Brien (R-Evansville) said the local funding from the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program is for road and bridge preservation, road reconstruction, intersection improvements, guardrail replacements and signage, and can cover material costs for chip sealing and crack filling operations. In total, 230 towns, cities and counties will receive over $119 million in state matching grants.

    “These grants are a fiscally responsible way to ensure our area is able to maintain and improve our roads and bridges,” O’Brien said. “Partnerships between state and local governments are unique, and Indiana’s road funding program has proven to be successful and Hoosiers are seeing results.”

    Area grant recipients include Evansville ($987,405) and Vanderburgh County ($657,378).

    State Rep. Wendy McNamara (R-Evansville) said smaller municipalities provide a 25 percent match in local funds, while large communities provide a 50 percent match. State law requires 50 percent of the available matching funds be awarded annually to communities within counties with a population of 50,000 or fewer. To date, Hoosier communities are on the receiving end of more than $1 billion in Community Crossings Matching Grants, established in 2016 and expanded through laws supported by McNamara.

    “Making ongoing investments in our local infrastructure ensures important upgrades are made to our roadways, while boosting our economy and improving quality of life,” McNamara said. “Hoosiers depend on local roads and with Community Crossings Matching Grants, we have a dedicated funding source to maintain them for years to come.”

    “This partnership between the state and locals has really helped our communities complete much-needed projects,” said State Rep. Matt Hostettler (R-Pakota). “Whether it’s roads in our small towns or larger cities, this program continues to make a positive difference.”

    According to the Indiana Department of Transportation, which oversees and awards the grants, the next call for projects is expected in January. Awards are released two times a year. More information can be found at or by emailing