Home Community News April Arts Council Brown Bag Schedule

April Arts Council Brown Bag Schedule




The Brown Bag Performance Series is a free program offered to the community by the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana. The series runs weekly from October through April at the Arts Council’s BSF Gallery, located at 318 Main Street in downtown Evansville. The Brown Bag Performance Series is every Wednesday at noon. Summer performances are once a month. It is encouraged to bring your lunch and a friend and enjoy the free local performances. The Brown Bag Series is made possible in part by the Mesker Music Trust, managed by Fifth Third Investment Advisors. Below is the updated schedule for April.

4/9/14 – UE Opera: The University of Evansville boasts one of the few undergraduate opera theater programs in the nation. With at least two productions a year, the UE Opera is an arts destination in our community. Join us as we welcome them back for a second time this season.


4/16/14 – Philharmonic Orchestra’s Maestro Alfred Savia: Founded in 1934, the EPO is a professional orchestra comprised of approximately 80 musicians led by Music Director Alfred Savia.

Savia will be presenting a Conversation with the Maestro in regards to the upcoming EPO April 26th concert, Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony. Along with presenting recordings, guest musicians will accompany Savia to play some excerpts. Join the Arts Council in welcoming Savia for a wonderful Brown Bag Series presentation and performance.


4/23/14 – Sabrina Newton:  Enjoy a new performer to the Brown Bag Series, Sabrina Newton. Newton’s music formation started in the church in her hometown of Nashville, Tennessee where others quickly recognized and encouraged her talent.  Sabrina quickly found her place as a part-time studio singer while employed at now music publishing powerhouse, Wrensong Music Publishing Corporation. From the choir loft to the stage at the Opry, Sabrina feels at home performing what she calls songs that stir the heart.  Regardless if the song is country, gospel or pop, Sabrina brings her southern charm, wit and powerful vocals to every performance where she hopes to bring a little joy to audiences everywhere. Newton will be the last performance of the weekly Brown Bag Season before monthly summer performances begin.