April 6 – 12 is National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.


Let’s Act Out For A Change-Training


Albion Fellows Bacon Center

Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office

Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s Office

Warrick County Prosecutor’s Office




Posey County Prosecutor’s Office

Ivy Tech Community College

Deaconess Cross Pointe

Gibson County Prosecutor’s Office

Gibson County Sheriff’s Office

Dunn Hospitality Group

Holly’s House

April 6 – 12 is National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month.   Please join us at the following events.


April 7 (8:30 a.m.)

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Proclamation Ceremony

Ivy Tech Community College

April 8 (5 pm)

8th Annual “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes”

University of Southern Indiana

UC’s Amphitheatre

April 24 (6 pm)

16th Annual Take Back the Night

Casino Aztar Events Plaza

16th Annual Awareness Training


Two-One Day Trainings Featuring:


The ACT OUT Ensemble


Kerry Hyatt Blomquist







An Engaging, Educational & Emotional Look at Family Violence



DATE:          April 7th & 8th, 2014

TIME:           Registration:  8:00 a.m.

TRAINING:   8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


LOCATION:  Ivy Tech Community College, Vectren Auditorium

3501 N. First Ave., Evansville, IN



LETB  and CEU Credits Available




The ACT OUT Ensemble

The ACT OUT Ensemble, made up of professional actors, is a nationally recognized social issue theatre troupe, performing original work based on social, health and educational issues.  Topics of ACT OUT performances have included alcohol and drug abuse, diversity and tolerance, domestic violence and child abuse, conflict resolution, date rape and sexual assault among others.

The Ensemble performs in classrooms, residence halls, lecture halls and corporate settings across the country.  Audiences have included students, colleges, conferences, law enforcement, community members and businesses.  Since its inception in 1995, the ACT OUT Ensemble has performed for over 300,000 audience members nationwide.

Kerry Hyatt Blomquist


Kerry Hyatt Blomquist is the Legal Counsel for the Indiana Coalition against Domestic Violence.  She has spearheaded the fight against family abuse statewide.

Blomquist represents domestic violence survivors in emergency hearings, provides expert testimony in criminal and civil cases, trains law enforcement recruits and speaks statewide on the impact of family violence on the legal, health care and social service system.  Blomquist founded the state’s only domestic violence legal education program at the IU McKinney School of Law.


Law Enforcement, Probation, Health and Human Services, Teachers, Counselors, Mental Health Providers, Prosecutors, Judges, Social Workers, Victim Advocates and Prevention Coordinators



Social issue theatre engages, educates and entertains.  It makes tough issues comprehensible while establishing a link between art and conversation.  Through live theatre, audiences are allowed to imagine, empathize and participate.




The ACT OUT Ensemble will be providing multiple domestic violence scenarios.  These scenarios will take you into issues law enforcement and social service providers may encounter when dealing with domestic violence victims.  Working through these scenarios together will enhance our collaborative response.


Kerry Hyatt Blomquist will present the “10 Laws Every DV Advocate Should Know”.  This is critical information for service providers who work directly with survivors of abuse.  In this segment you will get the important laws ranging from paternity and confidentiality (and everything in between), recent legal updates and how best to respond when you, as an advocate, see a conflict.  This training will also assist in developing best practices for service providers who work to assert legal rights and remedies available to survivors.



RSVP to Gina Gist,

Albion Fellows Bacon Center

812-422-9372 or Fax 812-422-9385 or email


by:  April 4, 2013


Name:  ________________________


Organization:  ___________________


Date Attending:  _________________


CEUs  _________   LETBs ________


Phone _________________________


Email  _________________________



Gina Gist at 812-422-9372 gina.gist@albionfellowsbacon.org


Sgt. Darren Baumberger at 812-421-6245 dbaumberger@vanderburghsheriff.com




Albion Fellows Bacon Center will provide LETBs.  CEUs provided by Deaconess Cross Pointe.  The Indiana Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist and Mental Health Counselor Board has approved Deaconess Cross Pointe to provide Category 1 Continuing Education for LSW, LCSW, LMFT and LMHC.  Deaconess Cross Pointe is an approved provider for continuing education programs for psychologists.  Participants receive 6.0 credit hours for completion.