Andrew McNeil Announces Bid for 8th District Congressional Seat‏


Download CandidancyAnnouncement_10-08-13.JPG (848.8 KB)
 Andrew McNeil of Freedom, Indiana has announced that he 
will be running against Rep. Larry Bucshon in the 2014 Republican 

“Today I stand before you in the spirit of 1776,” said McNeil. “Now is 
not the time for timidity. It is not the time to cower in fear. Today we 
must lead. We must stand and fight with dependence upon the same God who 
saw us through 237 years ago, albeit with humility.”

McNeil will focus his campaign on listening to the voice of the people 
of the 8th district and representing their concerns as opposed to the 
interests of the political structure in Washington. He will also 
highlight the responsibility of leaving a prosperous and free nation for 
future generations.

Issues that McNeil has placed at the top of his priorities include 
REPEALING Obamacare, fiscal responsibility, returning America to 
Constitutional government, and reviving a stagnant economy.

“Obamacare is an unprecedented betrayal of all that we are as a nation,” 
said McNeil, “from its violation of our religious freedoms to its 
unconstitutional control over every area of our lives. This fight should 
have been fought a long time ago, but now that we are engaged, it must 
be seen through until there is a clear victory.”

McNeil, along with Andrea, his wife of 19 years, and 7 children, resides 
in Freedom, Indiana, where he has lived for 28 years. In addition to 
operating a family farming business, he works at Ronnoco Coffee Company, 
where he has been employed for 16 years. For more information about 
Andrew McNeil and his platform visit


  1. I wonder if Wayne Parke will start intimidating and threatening any PCs who support this primary candidate. Perhaps even the County Prosecutor will end up on his political hit list.

  2. Thought it was funny that two Andrews, both from Freedom Indiana have announced their candidacy for this race in the past couple months.

  3. I was hoping they’d primary Buschon with some lunatic right winger. Would be nice to pick up another seat like Murdoch handed the Democrats a Senate seat. Is Risky Kristy going to try again?

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