Executive Order 2020-1
Resource Guide
(as of 7.14.20)
Mask On
Educational institutions except where students and faculty can be appropriately socially distanced Example: Students sitting in a classroom where the desks are not 6 ft apart. Example: Students or teachers walking down the hallway in the presence of others. |
Outdoor situations when social distancing is not an option Example: Fans of different households at a baseball game that are not seated 6 ft apart. |
Mask Off – Exemptions
- Individuals under the age of six (6) years.
- Individuals outdoors when able to maintain at least a six (6) foot distance from others.
- Individuals at home who are in a private residence except that Face Masks will be required in all common areas of any multi-family structure.
- Individuals in a building or office who are alone in a room. Example: Employees seated at their desk or cubicle at work.
- Individuals who are traveling in their own vehicle.
Example: Individual driving their car alone or with members of the same household. - Individuals who are speaking in public or making presentations or lectures for broadcast or to an audience, including, but not limited to, clergy giving sermons.
- Individuals experiencing homelessness. (Please note that our homeless shelters & agencies will have masks available at their locations for distribution)
- Individuals with deafness or other impairments (including those who are hard of hearing) or those in communication with such individuals) who would face obstacles to communication if required to wear a Face Mask.
- Individuals receiving medical or dental services that require removal of a Face Mask to receive such services.
- Individuals who have a medical condition that prevents the wearing of a Face Mask.
- Individuals who are seated and are consuming food or beverage at a restaurant, bar, or other establishments only while consuming food or beverages; however, individuals must wear a Face Mask in all other situations.Example: Patrons of a restaurant when seated at a table and 6 ft apart.
- Individuals who are incarcerated.
- Individuals, when requested by a law enforcement officer.
- Individuals who would be at risk wearing a Face Mask at work, as determined by local, state or federal regulations or workplace safety guidelines.Example: Workers operating equipment on a construction site or in a factory.
- Individuals who are engaged in outdoor or indoor physical exercise or sporting activities, including running, jogging, walking, bicycling or swimming which is incompatible with wearing a Face Mask.Example: Kids playing baseball in a competitive or recreational league.Example: Individuals participating in an exercise class.
- Facilities that are owned or operated by Federal and State Government. (Please notethat the city cannot put restrictions in place for state or federally owned buildings)
- Individuals inside religious facilities: provided, however, it is strongly recommended that religious facilities adopt Face Mask policies which are in conformity with federal, state and local guidance.
- Individuals while acting in their official capacity as a public safety employee or an emergency responder when wearing a Face Mask would interfere or limit their ability to carry out their official duties or functions. These include police officers, fire fighters and other public safety or emergency medical personnel that support public safety functions.
- Individuals who are smoking or vaping so long as social distancing is maintained.
You cannot do this. It is unconstitutional. It should be up to the individual.
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