An Exceptional Nation Thanks Extraordinary Heroes





Today, we remember and honor the brave men and women who paid the ultimate price defending our country and the American way of life.

While families and communities observe Memorial Day each in their own way, let us not forget that every freedom we enjoy today is because of the sacrifices made by our fallen heroes.

Throughout history, the United States has withstood the threats of tyranny and despotism thanks to the courage of our service members. Defending America is not just about protecting the homeland; it is about preserving our blessed heritage and our commitment to freedom.

America continues to serve as the shining example that prosperity and success comes from people who are free. It is important to remember that our values, while timeless in nature, could not have survived had it not been for generations of Americans answering the call and, if necessary, laying down their lives for something much larger than themselves.

Sometime today, I ask you to simply pause, reflect and honor those service men and women who paid the ultimate price. These individuals were our friends and family, neighbors and co-workers, our fellow citizens.