It Is Time For Our Local Government To Fund Prevention Strategies


During this unprecedented time, as we go all-in on flattening the COVID-19 curve, we must go all-in on preventing the consequences that are sure to follow. Our community is looking towards our local leaders, now more than ever before, for real answers, for our safety, for our livelihood.  After this, I hope that we can focus on the importance of supporting the mental health of our community.

Benjamin Franklin was fond of saying that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” but he was wrong.  Prevention is worth much more than that. I am meeting with law enforcement, school leaders, and healthcare professionals. It’s clear that prevention and early intervention of mental health and substance abuse problems will help meet the challenges of  our “new norm.”

 A recent study found that every dollar invested in effective prevention results in a savings of $18 in consequences. Or, if we had invested 4.5 million dollars in mental health and substance abuse prevention for our children 20 years ago, we would not need an 80 million dollar jail expansion today. That’s why, if elected to the Vanderburgh County Council, I will establish a commission to work with local leaders to strengthen our support of young people, promote access to care, and save taxpayer dollars.

       COVID-19 gives us an opportunity. It is time for our local government to fund prevention strategies that develop the skills and strengths for our young people to become healthy and productive citizens. If we don’t, I fear that we will be paying a very high price for generations to come.

Investing in our kids makes financial sense, but more importantly, it’s the right thing to do. When we invest in strengthening and educating our kids, we are investing in our future and demonstrating our values as Americans.

During this time, I hope you can reflect on the things that are most important to you and I hope you stay safe and healthy.


Amy Back