Home Education Alumni Reception Honoring Distinguished Alumna

Alumni Reception Honoring Distinguished Alumna


Alumni Reception Honoring Distinguished Alumni

Tuesday, April 9, 5-7 p.m. at Ivy Tech Community College
Hallway near Entrance B (front of campus facing First Avenue)
3501 N. First Avenue, Evansville

This year’s Distinguished Alumni Recipient, Amanda Crowe, along with past recipients and other alumni of Ivy Tech’s Evansville Campus, will meet to celebrate during an informal alumni reception on Tuesday, April 9. Amanda graduated from Ivy Tech in 2008 with an associate degree in Human Services. She is currently Vice President of Human Resources for the Evansville Rescue Mission, but since starting at the Rescue Mission has served in almost every position in the organization. Prior to attending Ivy Tech, Amanda worked for a utility company but decided a college education would better her life and opportunities. She began working at the Rescue Mission through internships in Human Services from Ivy Tech and never left.