All Saints Dedication of Prayer Garden


All Saints Dedication of Prayer Garden – Pollinator Park On Monday, Sept 9th

All Saints Catholic Church will be dedicating and blessing its new Prayer garden – Pollinator Park on Monday, Sept. 9th at 1:30 pm. Bishop Joseph Siegel will be offering a blessing and Mayor Loyd Winnecke will be present to offer some remarks. This park is unique in that it is a prayer garden nestled within a field of wildflowers. The parish wants to help broadcast the message that our earth, our environment is in time of crisis and that there must be a soulful kind of change to remedy the situation and heal our earth home.

The crash of our pollinator populations is an indicator of the havoc we have created in the natural world. Pesticides, loss of habitat, and a changing climate have drastically reduced the numbers of many insect species to the point of the threat of extinction, a threat that includes the beloved Monarch butterfly. Feeling the moral imperative for a call to change, All Saints Catholic Parish has transformed what was a grass field into a sanctuary and living symbol of natural beauty. The prayer garden includes a prayer labyrinth and a Way of the Cross, both ancients forms of prayer in the Christian tradition. What makes this garden unique is that it is nestled in a field of wildflowers that will be a habitat for many kinds of insects and birds. The desire is that this garden–the park will help send the message that humanity must make a profound and soulful change in how we relate with and live on our earth. We must re-think and change our ways to be more in harmony with the natural rhythms of our planet so that all life can prosper.

Bishop Joseph Siegel, spiritual leader of the Catholic Diocese of Evansville, will be offering a blessing of the garden and Mayor Loyd Winnecke will be present to offer some remarks. The park is dedicated to the health of body, soul, and our Earth. In the near future, the park will also include an exercise path. The hope is that many will come to enjoy the beauty, take time for a moment of prayer, and ponder on our common obligation to protect our earth home.

FOOTNOTE: Project Sponsors:  All Saints Health Committee and Creation Care Team and The Wellborn Foundation’s Upgrade program.