All EVPL Locations Will Be Opened On A Limited Schedule



For the past few weeks, members of the Administrative Team and the Location Managers have been discussing how and when EVPL would resume “in-person” services.  It was decided to resume our in-person services beginning Monday, February 15.

All EVPL locations will be open 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday – Friday, and 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Saturdays.  All other EVPL services (EVPL to Go, Book a Librarian and etc.) will continue 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday.

These conversations were not easy, and as to be expected were often difficult.  Trying to pick the “perfect time” to resume our in-person services, knowing that there are still varying levels of apprehension among our EVPL staff made this decision very difficult.  Unfortunately, with this disease, the pandemic and nature of our chosen profession, there will never be a perfect time.

Our jobs require us to work with the public, and often times to set the example of how to operate in these difficult times.  As I have said before your altruism, dedication, and caring are what make our profession and EVPL so unique.

Most scientists feel COVID-19, in some form, will be here for some time.  They also feel we can resume some functions of our daily life, as long as we are careful, and take the necessary precautions. Please remember how important it is to wear face coverings, use hand sanitizer, and continue to follow social distancing guidelines.

In the past two weeks we have seen the number of COVID-19 infections within Vanderburgh County go down significantly.  For the first time in almost two months, Vanderburgh County’s seven day positivity rate had gone below 10%.  We have not seen this figure this low since before the Thanksgiving Holiday break.

We appreciate everyone’s efforts to keep your coworkers and the public as safe as we can.

Scott Kinney

CEO-Director Of the Evansville/Vanderburgh Public Libraries



  1. The working class staff at EVPL perform excellent teamwork !
    Very professional ! Good Luck & stay safe !

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