Alex Burton Is Encouraging The Community To Donate Bottled Water



In response to a predicted week of heat, Alex is calling on members of the community to donate bottles of water to the Evansville Rescue Mission

Alex Burton, a current candidate for City Council is calling on all of the candidates and the entire community to donate bottled water to the Evansville Rescue Mission.


Alex dropped by the rescue mission to donate a pack of bottled water and realized that there is a true need to provide enough water for those who utilize their services.


“These next few days will be extremely hot and it is important that the Evansville Rescue Mission can provide cold water to those who need it walking, standing, and peddling across the city,” Burton says.


Alex is confident that the community will support and donate to this cause, just as our community responded to the community’s need for swim items for children at our local pools.


“We have to take care of all of the people in our community and this is one way that each and every one of us can participate and help a fellow resident,” he says.


Burton will personally reach out to all candidates running for office (Democrat and Republican) to encourage a collective donation of bottled of water. For everyone interested in joining Alex, please meet him at 4:30pm on Wednesday, June 23rd at the Evansville Rescue Mission.



In light of the recent recall of all Niagara Bottling, LLC, Alex asks that individuals interested in donating to this cause avoid all bottle water associated with this Company. For more information on this recall, please visit Niagara’s website.