Home Political News At-Large City Council Canidate Alex Burton Commits To Bettering The Evansville Community

At-Large City Council Canidate Alex Burton Commits To Bettering The Evansville Community



On The Heels of 2015, Burton Has Decided To Launch An Exploratory Committee

Evansville, IN – Alex Burton has formed an exploratory committee with the intention of adding his name to the Democratic Primary to be one of the three City Council Members, At – Large.

Alex first began his civic duty serving on the Aquatics Task Force in 2007, which was responsible for the construction of Norman Mosby and Rochelle/Landers pools. His involvement with this project led to future experiences that ultimately equipped him with the knowledge to understand the role of government and its functions.

“The future of our city is dependent upon the decisions that are to be made over the next 4 -5 years. As a concerned and involved citizen of this community, it is most important that we have the best people representing Evansville,” Burton said.

Alex is a graduate of Bosse High School and obtained a bachelor’s degree from Indiana State University where he also became a Certified Nonprofit Professional. Alex is also a graduate of Western Kentucky University where he attained a Masters of Public Administration (MPA).

Alex also has the experiences of working in the Offices of Mayor Weinzapfel and Congressional Members Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) and Jim Cooper (TN-05).

He currently sits on the Evansville-Vanderburgh Human Relations Commission and is highly active within the community. Burton was selected as a 2014-2015 Emerging Leader within the Indiana Democratic Party. He has a real concern about the decisions that will be made in the next few years.

“The future of our great city is at stake and it is my belief that the residents of Evansville deserve another option and new voice that’s reflective of the direction of our great city. The city must grow and evolve. Nothing or no one should be left behind,” said Burton.

He will meet with his friends and family at the American Legion Otis Stone Post #354 at 5pm on December 27th to determine his next steps.


  1. Goodbye, Weaver. We have a true Democrat for council to elect with O’Daniel and Adams.

  2. We haven’t had much luck in the past with community organizers with only a political careers on their resumes that were Democrats. I wold like to see Weaver go just as much as the next guy, but I’m not sure someone this green is the answer.

    Now if you can guarantee Weaver would take Mosby with him I may reconsider.

  3. We haven’t had much luck in the past with community organizers with only a political careers on their resumes that were Democrats. I would like to see Weaver go just as much as the next guy, but I’m not sure someone this green is the answer.

    Now if you can guarantee Weaver would take Mosby with him I may reconsider.

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