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Al Lindsey Cleared to Run for Evansville City Council


Ellsworth Campaigned in Uniform so Why the Drama over Al Lindsey?

The Election Board has rejected the complaint filed last week by Randall Whitehouse where he stated that Mr. Lindsey did not live in the 6th Ward. Mr. Whitehouse had stated in his complaint that he had personally gone to Mr. Lindsey’s residence twice a day over a period of two months to record whether or not a vehicle was in the driveway. He also attached a sheriff’s report regarding a pit bull dog that killed 3 chickens owned by Mr. Lindsey at another address in April of 2010.

In yet another attempt to have Mr. Lindsey disqualified from running the father-in-law of Mr. Lindsey’s opponent, David Mosby filed an objection to the fact that a campaign ad was in the City County Observer with Mr. Lindsey’s image appearing in the uniform of an Evansville Fire Fighter. As it is widely known that former member of the United States House of Representatives Brad Ellsworth campaigned in the uniform that he wore as Sheriff of Vanderburgh County, it is curious that Mr. Mosby never filed an objection to his candidacy.

Neither residency complaints, deceased chickens, or even an alleged fashion snafu has been able to get Mr. Lindsey off of the ballot. There are now two democratic candidates seeking this seat and they get to settle this the old fashioned way, by campaigning. Incumbent B. J. Watts and Al Lindsey are now over every objection and can begin the race.


  1. “Rejected”… With no explanation or investigation? Typical Evansville Bureaucrat.

    Hasn’t anybody learned anything from the CCO?

    This is EVANSVILLE, Whitehouse! You HAD to grease the skids if you wanted any favorable governmental action…

    Bring the Election board a case of Opus wine, free tickets to concerts, gift cards grafted from some governmental budget line, land give aways, land sales well below the actual value, blackmail evidence of taxpayer theft in secret meetings, crooked no bid contract awards…

    How can a government this EMBARRASED, not at least investigate, a challenge like this? Or at least explain themselves?

  2. If this whole fiasco hasn’t convinced you to vote for Al Lindsey than I don’t know what will.

    I’m tired of the backhanded, back stabbing system that currently exists in the 6th ward. It’s time for Al Lindsey!

    • I completely agree. If you can’t play without throwing a tantrum then quit. Westside is ready for someone to actually represent us and make a change.
      Al Lindsey, good luck, wish you the best.

      Al Lindsey for 6th Ward City Coucil all the way!

  3. Is it true with a little honest hard work, that the Mosby’s know nothing about, we will finally be rid of the sneaky, underhanded, behind closed door dealings of the Mosby, Weinzapfel, Jarboe political machine.

  4. if you wana find Al’s stole signs go to david mosbys river camp and look in his fire pit

  5. I just saw a ad with Al running for office, It says He is a VET, and so I guess it was one of his managers that WRONGLY placed the Nations Flag in the ad with the Stars up and to the right, instead of up and to the left like the USA Flag Code says to do ????? Hope he fixes the ads.

    Wish my buddy Perry E. Walker would run !!!!!!!!!!

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