Air Quality Forecast


Air quality forecasts for Evansville and Vanderburgh County are provided as a public service.  They are best estimates of predicted pollution levels that can be used as a guide so people can modify their activities and reduce their exposure to air quality conditions that may affect their health.  The forecasts are routinely made available at least a day in advance, and are posted by 10:30 AM Evansville time on Monday (for Tuesday through Thursday) and Thursday (for Friday through Monday).  When atmospheric conditions are uncertain or favor pollution levels above the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, forecasts are made on a daily basis.

Ozone forecasts are available from mid-April through September 30th.  Fine particulate (PM2.5) forecasts are available year round.

September 28
September 29
September 30
October 1
October 2
Fine Particulate
(0-23 CST avg)
Air Quality Index
good good good NA* NA*
Air Quality Index
good good good NA* NA*
(peak 8-hr avg)
36-45 ppb 31-40 ppb 31-40 ppb NA* NA*

* Not Available and/or Conditions Uncertain.

Air Quality Action Days

Ozone Alerts are issued by the Evansville EPA when maximum ozone readings averaged over a period of eight hours are forecasted to reach 71 parts per billion (ppb), or unhealthy for sensitive groups on the USEPA Air Quality Index scale.

Particulate Alerts are issued by the Evansville EPA when PM2.5 readings averaged over the period of midnight to midnight are forecasted to reach 35 micrograms per meter cubed (µg/m3).

Current conditions of OZONE and FINE PARTICULATE MATTER are available in near real-time on the Indiana Department of Environment Management’s website.

National and regional maps of current conditions are available through USEPA AIRNow.



    Maybe if the CCO and the Evansville Media and Indiana Media did more in depth stories about pollution we would not all get so sick living in this area. When nothing is done and the polluters are coddled this is what we end up with. More sick people dying with heart attacks and cancer. We need to do more than having races for the cure which doesn’t help stop the pollution that causes these cancers and death.


    How deadly is air pollution. And you really can’t escape the air around you. That to me is the scariest part. We who can’t leave this area are stuck breathing this pollution each and evey hour of ever day. Over time it all adds up. It’s like Chinese water torture. Drip by drip by drip water erodes away the rock or anything else. We are breathing a soup of Sulfates which help form sulfuric acid in your lungs and airways. And I’m being informed that the air pollution may be the cause of the plaque that forms in the heart arteries. If the heart is deprived of oxygen rich blood it’s muscle dies and that is what we call a Heart Attack. From the time we are born here in Evansville, IN our lungs are being exposed to this air pollution on almost a daily basis.

    Photographers know about the air pollution. They use light to take great pictures and if the air is polluted the light is more diffused and scattered and the photo’s are not a colorful or clear. They look foggy and not crisp.

    Pilots also know about the air pollution as when they fly over our city they can see it from above. The light shine down on the dorm of air pollution surrounding our major cities and it’s easily seen from above. We on the other hand are stuck right in the middle of the dome of air pollution and have a harder time seeing though it. But if you get up in an airplane at about 3500 ft you can easily see it from up there. I’ve flown into Louisville, KY; Indianapolis, IN: Evansville, IN; Atlanta, GA; Washington D.C.; Austin, TX and many other major cities like Chicago, IL and have seen this dome of air pollution over the city in the summer time. It appears as a redish orange brown cloud of polluted air and it’s quite noticeable when seen from above and outside the cloud. The sunlight reflects of the pollution inside the cloud and makes it more visible.

    The Chinese are finding out that they have to wear gas masks to survive their coal fired power plant industrial revolution today. Soon they will see their babies having to use inhalers to survive and the number of people that get sick and die will increase many fold.

    We can do better. We should switch as much as humanily possible to alternative fuels to supplement the use of coal burning power plants that put out all this pollution. We can make better batteries that can store the sunlight that captured by solar panels. Solar panels are getting more efficient and cheaper to make. If cities like Huntingburg stop trying to tax to death people who put solar panels on their roofs at the bequest of KING COAL and SUGAR DADDY OIL Companies we could all help clean up the air faster.

    Evansville, IN is surrounded by a sea of Air Pollution Emitting Huge Coal Fired Power Plants that have all chosen to locate here due to our abundance of coal, water in the form or the Ohio River and Walbash Rivers, and good transportation system which includes highways, rails and River Barges. We have all that they need to make electricity by burning dirty coal. Then these power companies send the electricity up to Northern IN and Michigan. Those people up there get all the electricity and we get all the pollution. And don’t forget we get the coal residue that’s left over after they burn the coal. What doesn’t go up and out the smoke stacks stays behind only to be shoveled out of the boiler and then dumped onto the surrounding lands. The burned ash residue is full of toxic elements such as the heavy metals mercury and lead. When the companies store this ash residue in pond on their property the ground water gets filled with toxic chemicals/elements/compounds. So the people living downwind not only have to suffer from the fall out of the ash pouring out of the smoke stacks but there well water may also be contaminated by the coal ash dumped onto the nearby ground.

    And this happens all around us on a daily basis.

    Mean while the Evansville EPA director and the City Ozone Person goes about telling everyone to stay inside during the Ozone alerts. Yea the precursor Chemicals that help form the Ozone in the Air are also coming from these huge underregulated Coal Burning Power plants. They also emit the NOx into the air around us that helps form the Ozone when the sun is brightest and the air is calm and stagnant each and ever summer. Ozone is a highly reactive and unstable molecule of three oxygens and it’s damaging to the respiratory system when we breath in the air with high levels of Ozone in the air. And Remember that Ozone is monitored as it’s an indicator pollutant. We monitor the ozone to help us figure out if many other photochemical oxidizing pollutants are also in the air in higher levels. Ozone is like the canary in the coal mine. If the canary gets sick and dies we know it’s time to get out of the mine and ventilate the bad air out of the mine. But when Ozone levels get high we are told to go inside and stay inside until they are lower. But the problem is not everyone can get away from the Ozone. You see Ozone levels inside the air conditioned house can also be elevated. The only way to escape this air pollution is to leave the area. The smartest people with enough money figure this out soon and leave.

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