Agriculture Technology Day


Agriculture Technology Day    EVSC
Thursday, April 3; 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Plaza Park International Prep Academy

The teacher’s goal is to introduce the students to as many different kinds of technology as possible. Before spring break the class had its 1st Military Technology Field Day. The National Guard brought a Humvee and Howitzer Cannon over for the students to check out. There was also a WW2 military jeep on display and the ROTC from Harrison High School came over to talk to the kids about educational opportunities in the military. The 2nd Annual Agricultural Field Day will give students a chance to see how advanced technology is used in farming. There will also be a pulling tractor for the students to investigate. The different technology advancements they observe are discussed. This and other field days planned by this teacher essentially bring the field trip to the school and every student who wants to be involved, has the opportunity because it is during each class free time and recess.