Agenda Of The Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners

civic center

AGENDA Of The Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners

February 25, 2020, at 3:00 pm, Room 301

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Action Items 
    1. County Engineer: Open Quotes and Award Project Number VC20-02-01: Kansas Road Tree Removal
    2. Public Hearing on Re-establishing the Cumulative Bridge Fund Tax Rate
    3. Resolution CO.R-02-20-004: Re-establishing the Cumulative Bridge Fund Tax Rate
    4. First Reading of CO.03-20-004: An Ordinance Amending Vanderburgh County’s Ordinance Concerning Off-Road Vehicles and Golf Carts and Amending Titles 10, Chapter 10.60, Sections 10.60.010 through 10.06.140 of the Vanderburgh County Code
    5. Superintendent of County Buildings: Change order No. 1 for the Probate Courtroom Restoration at the Old Courthouse
    6. County Clerk: EViD System Sale and License Agreement
    7. Health Department: 
      1. Ryan White Grant Agreement
      2. Harmonie State Park Water Testing Amendment #3
      3. Little Lambs Contract
  5. Department Head Reports
  6. New Business
    1. University Parkway Bradford Pear Trees
  7. Old Business
  8. Consent Items
    1. Approval of February 11, 2020 Meeting Minutes
    2. Employment Changes 
    3. County Engineer:
      1. Department Reports and Claims
      2. Approve U.S. 41 Expansion T.I.F. Request #71 for $81,034.96
      3. Approve Travel Request for Indiana LTAP Road & Bridge Plan Reading
    4. County Auditor: Claims Voucher Reports 2/10-2/14/2020 & 2/17-2/21/2020
    5. County Treasurer January 2020 Report
    6. Superintendent of County Buildings: Glycol Pump Replacement Quote
    7. UNOE January 2020 Report
    8. Veteran’s Council Coliseum Lease Renewal
    9. County Clerk:
      1.   January 2020 Report
      2. Special Leave of Absence Request for Danielle Delgman
    10. Weights and Measures Jan. 16-Feb. 15 2020 Monthly Report
  9. Public Comment
  10. Rezoning
      1. Final Reading of Rezoning Ordinance VC-2-2020

Petitioner: Daylight Elevator, LLC

Address: 12501 N Green River Road

Request: Change from C-4 & Ag to C-4 with a Use & Development Commitment
