AG Curtis Hill responds to demands that Indiana withdraw from lawsuit challenging Affordable Care Act


Attorney General Curtis Hill today responded to several groups that dropped off petitions at his office demanding that he withdraw Indiana from a lawsuit challenging the federal Affordable Care Act.

Attorney General Hill’s statement is as follows:

“Along with 19 other states, we have opposed the Affordable Care Act because it is unconstitutional. In NFIB v. Sebelius, the U.S. Supreme Court narrowly upheld the core provision of the ACA — the individual mandate — as a ‘tax.’ However, Congress later repealed this tax while leaving the mandate in place. As a result, the foundation on which the Supreme Court built its justification for Obamacare’s constitutionality ceased to exist. I hope to see the emergence of sound policies that constitutionally safeguard the healthcare needs of all Americans, including those with pre-existing conditions. I support efforts to this end by Governor Holcomb and the General Assembly here in Indiana, and I support such efforts by Congress and the Trump administration on the national level.”