AG Curtis Hill Participates In Statewide Launch Of TV And Radio PSAs Warning Against Dangers Of Drug Abuse


Attorney General Curtis Hill announced today his office is partnering with the Indiana Drug Enforcement Association (IDEA) and Indiana Broadcasters Association to launch a series of statewide public-service announcements discouraging drug abuse.

The PSAs feature actors portraying everyday individuals facing choices that could lead to long-term consequences.

“Each generation must rise to the challenge of teaching personal responsibility and wise decision-making,” Attorney General Hill said. “This role begins within families, with strong mentoring by fathers and mothers, but it extends also to public servants in every community and at the state and federal levels. In line with these priorities, education and prevention efforts must remain robust components of our efforts to fight drug abuse.”

The ads will air on 200 TV and radio stations throughout the state.

“A vital part of our organization’s mission is participating in programs to educate the public concerning the hazards of drug abuse,” said IDEA Training/Operations Director Gary Ashenfelter. “That’s why we’re investing in these PSAs. Prevention efforts can save people’s lives.”


  1. Totally out of touch with why opiate abuse or misuse is exploding. Only thing more stupid is Nancy Reagan’s “Just say no”

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