After the Roberts Stadium Auction: By: Jordan Baer


Just when you think the city of Evansville has made their final error with Roberts Stadium, they turn around and prove to us all once again that they have many more errors still in them. While the amount of errors has piled up taller than a chunk of Executive Inn rubble, the city still remains committed to taking care of those who have taken care of them.

It’s been almost a month and a half since the city held an auction for some of the arena’s interior parts. But if you take a stroll past these magnificent grounds on the Lloyd Expressway, you will think the auction is still yet to come. Although the signs for Gate 1 have long been auctioned off, the banner for Wilson Auctions advertising the August 4th auction still sits atop the structure showing no sign of leaving anytime soon.

Not only is Gate 1 still covered in free advertising for Wilson Auctions, the marquee facing the Lloyd Expressway has two banners, one for each direction, advertising the auction that has come and gone months ago.

For those who don’t remember, Keep Evansville Beautiful has launched an aggressive campaign against signs and banners early this year. Currently, the laws governing advertisements such as political signs can be found at the link below…

You may also find out more information about local sign laws from the Evansville Area Plan Commission by clicking on the link below and then click on the link titled “Political Sign Placement Guide”…

Thanks to the City-County Observer, local residents already know that Wilson Auctions and the Winnecke administration were good buddies long before this auction…

In fact, Andrew Wilson can be found in the following Winnecke Campaign Report on Adobe Pages 97 and 107…

This begs the question- What is the real reason these signs are still up for? It is absolutely pointless for 3 banners advertising an auction company hosting an auction back on August 4th to still be displayed. If the city handled these banners the way they have handled Roberts Stadium itself, they would have been gone a.s.a.p.

It’s bad enough that our community had to sit through a task force whose report isn’t consistent with what actually happened at the meetings and draws a conclusion that was never discussed to begin with. But now, we are seeing the city attempt to give free bricks to the University of Evansville while banners for an auction company, whose owner donated to the mayor’s campaign, are allowed to hang for months after the auction.

If our city, with the help of KEB, is truly going to take sign clean-up seriously, we cannot allow 3 banners to lay standing for months after an event they are marketing is over. We also cannot allow this auction company to receive free advertising on public land.

Make no mistake, if Wilson Auctions truly believes there is value in hanging banners up around Gate 1, then they surely would have no problem placing a bid on naming rights to this gate outside a renovated Roberts Stadium. I have long supported this concept and even brought it to the mayor’s attention last November. At that time, he said he would look into it, yet to my knowledge there have been no reports of any kind discussing the value of naming rights to the same exact gate the city is letting Wilson Auctions hang their banner.

In the meantime, the city needs to know, it’s time for these signs to go!


  1. Jordan, great article concerning good ole boy political network Winnenke style!

    Looks like if you pay you can stay.

  2. This is bull crap. Just pass Robert’s Staduim on the way to work and saw the massive Wilson Auction signs hanging. Looks like Wilson Auction Company are getting thousand of dollars of free advertising on property owned by the taxpayers.

    Wonder how long my sign would be allow to stay up on Robert’s property since I didn’t give any money to Winnenke’s for Mayor political campaign? Answer, one day after auction is over with!

  3. Does anybody know if a bid to auction off Rober’t Staduim property was put out for public bid?

  4. Did any know if any of our local auction companies receive any official invitition from the city to bid on Robert’s Staduim auction?

  5. This article by Jordan has really got the rank in file employees at the civic center talking. In fact, keys employees and commissiomer of Area plan are not happy about this situation.

    Great article that points out how the Mayor really does business when it come to taking care of his political buddies!

  6. Anybody heard from Brad Mills or the useless “Keep Evansville Pretty” group concerning this issue

  7. I too would like to know if a bid was put out to our local auction companies for them to have an opportunity to conduct this auction! OH I’M BETTING NO!!!!

  8. I too would like to know if this auction contract was put for public bid?

    What do you think the chances of the new City Parks Director answering this most important question of public concern?

  9. Still cheaper to fill the hole and repurpose the Stadium for something else.

    We need to let Robert’s age more before we decide to tear it down.

  10. I attend auctions regularly at Curran Miller’s & Sohn’s & asked the owners if they were approached about the Robert’s Stadium auction. Neither of those Vanderburgh Co. companies were asked to submit bids. Looks like the deal was just handed to Wilson’s.

  11. Roberts is gone. That happened when the Ford Center was built and that was decided 4 years ago.

    Let it go folks, let it go.

    • AMEN! I am sure this kid will soon be at the Cemetary aprising our former mayor of this sign situation and there will be photographic evidence for all to see in his NEXT bloviated article! Let it Go people! Does anyone have more pertinenant issues in which to waste their time on? Today there was a bomb threat at a Louisana College…………here folks is an issue to be concerned about!

      • I assume the “former mayor” you are talking about is republican mayor roberts correct? How disgusting and distasteful for you to talk about the former mayor that way. I now understand why you don’t post your real name. Gail Reicken herself supports cleaning up those cemeteries. You are a disgrace and further reason I’m proud to be Republican.

      • GailReickenSupporter comes on here complaining about the treatment people like Cooke and Grooves and all their other pals get and then comes on here with this…. I guess its a two street until you enter downtown…

  12. Please stay on subject. This issue is about possible political patronage, city sign violations and free advertising on city owned property by a for profit business.

    • I just don’t care if Wilson Signs hang in an area in which No ONE can really View on Dilapidated Worn Out Uselss Dinosaur of a Defunked Stadium that couldn’t get MAJOR Players in the Music Industry to come here! Honestly, all of us “remember” a time when we used this place and have some memory of it! My biggest concern when the Arena was built was that the Aces Memorial would find a new home at our new arena. I was assured it would, I lost a family member in that crash so IF I CAN LET IT GO then you should too! Every week on my way to work at around 845 am I see EPD doing driving manuvers in their parking lot, Roberts…………..surely your group has a problem with this too, dont you? Let it GO People……….we have a Beautiful Arena Now, one that is Up to Date and will serve this community well! Bull Doze Roberts and get this Over City of Evansville, PLEASE!

      • If you don’t care why are you on here wasting your time whining about others discussing it?

  13. Give me a break–there are a lot bigger fish to fry than worrying about 3 auction signs at Roberts Stadium!

    • It is a big deal and it sucks with a capital S. It shows the arrogance of these people and how much contempt they have for public opinion on this matter.


  14. Totally agree with you Pressanykey. They Wilson’s haven’t figure it out yet but this type of professional behavior may be ok in Posey County but not here in Vanderburgh County. The Wilson’s have really hurt themselves with the people that matter. Simple fact, they shall lose future business over this sign issue!

  15. Word at the Civic Center is that Wilson Auction shall be getting an interesting letter from Area Planning Commission about the Robert’s Staduim sign issue in a couple of days.

  16. Great to hear. I had a few friends call the city today to file a formal complaint against the Wilson Auction people! Let’s see if there back room political buddy, Mayor Winnemke can force Area Plan to protect them!

  17. Sorry to chime in late on this. Our signs were removed following the posting of this article. Following the removal of our signs, the marquee signs at Roberts Stadium remained with the WEHT 25 advertising signs that we had covered until the marquee signs were ultimately removed weeks later.

    We were chosen to conduct this auction, being the most qualified in the region. The auction attracted interest across the country. The results indicate the same.

    In fact, we recently were awarded 2nd place in the USA Today/National Auctioneers Association Marketing Contest for our signage display at the Roberts Stadium Auction Event.

    The engineering firms that prepared the demolition specs were selected in the same manner, being the most qualified.

    I have contributed to Mayor Winnecke and other elected officials, because I believe in their leadership. Having campaigned myself for public office, I understand the importance of the support from people who care about public policy and moving our city, state, and nation forward.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Andrew Wilson

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