After Christmas Sales Mean Great Deals


Suzanne Slaton

By: Suzanne Slaton

Holiday sales don’t end just because Christmas is over. In fact, the week after Christmas is becoming a prime time for both retailers and shoppers. So be sure to get in on after-Christmas sales to get fantastic deals on a variety of items.

Holiday items. The best time to buy holiday-themed items like decorations is just after the holiday ends, when retailers put everything related to the holiday on clearance. So, if you need to replace Christmas decorations, cards, etc., or simply want to get some new ones at a deep discount, start shopping on December 26. Most retailers will offer substantial discounts, 75 percent or more, on themed pieces the minute Santa has emptied his sleigh.

Gift Sets. Another great buy during after-Christmas sales is gift sets. Items, or collections of items, that are packaged specifically to be given as gifts go on clearance directly after Christmas. Though the retailer may look at the item as holiday-themed, often the packaging allows the set to be given for any gift-giving occasion. Red packaging works just as well for Valentine’s Day or a birthday or an anniversary. And just because it’s boxed as a gift, doesn’t mean you have to use it that way. If the item is something you’ve wanted, you can take advantage of the deep discount to buy for yourself.

Winter Clothes. Winter clothes aren’t holiday items, but retailers are already thinking about spring inventory by the time Christmas is over, so they price winter clothes and accessories to move. In addition, many stores want to extend their strong Christmas sales by increasing already generous pre-Christmas discounts. So, while last-minute shoppers can benefit from discounts of up to 50 percent off, day-after shoppers can get those same items immediately after Christmas for as much as 60-80 percent off.

Gift Cards. Many people receive gift cards as Christmas presents but wait to go shopping with them until holiday crowds die down, but the week after Christmas is a particularly good time to use them. While the cards are a better value than they once were, thanks to regulatory changes in summer 2010 regarding expiration dates, charges for dormancy, usage fees, etc., to get the most value, use a gift card in conjunction with a sale.

After-Christmas sales don’t last long. The deep price cuts tend to disappear when the new year starts, so to get the best deals, you’ll want to shop in the week immediately following Christmas.

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Suzanne Staton is the author of, your online resource for frugal living tips. Suzanne is a writer and editor by trade and frugal fanatic by passion. When not dreaming up ways to save money, she can be found watching lots of football or singing and playing bass in the Austin, Texas band Johnny Austin. Rock frugal!