After 60 years I shared a stroll down memory lane of the area of my birth home that brought back memories of the painful past.

After all these years the Jimtown area political games remain the same but the names have changed.  Most of the housing stock located on East Iowa, East Franklin Street, and the adjoining East Michigan Street area are sub-par, to say the least.  Many of the people living in that area struggle each day to eke out a mere existence.  Poverty has always run rampant in that area, and many households experience alcohol and drug abuse problems, many homes in that area are single-family dwellings.

Many children in that area go to bed hungry and lack appropriate health and dental care, and clothes compared to the children living in the more affluent areas of Evansville are extremely embrazzing

This area is a prime example of years of lack of economic support from City Hall.  Jimtown has always been a breeding ground for crime, corruption, and failure.

I have been watching the progress of the Jimtown area for over 6 decades and still realize that the games are the same but the names have changed.

You would be stunned to learn that many adopted the motto that “Adversity Brings Strength” and we don’t need “Hand Outs Butt A Helping Hand”.

I’m sad to see that my birth home has deteriorated even more over the years with no improvement in sight. To make a point that the late and great Elvis Presley wrote and sang a song titled “IN THE GETTO.”  This song says it all about the condition of the located on East Iowa, East Franklin Street, and the adjoining East Michigan Street area


1  Warehouse fire

2  Street and sidewalks

3 crime rate

4 unemployment

5 HOSING stock is deployable