Porky is a 9-year-old female Shih Tzu/rat terrier mix. She is bonded to her brother Bugsy, and they must go home together! Both pups are very outgoing and will seek attention from you. They would love a family that can take them to the beauty shop regularly to keep their hair trimmed nice & neat. The adoption fee for both is only $235 – a $25 discount for adopting two! Or, ask about our Senior Pets program for senior citizens needing companions. Contact Vanderburgh Humane at (812) 426-2563 or adoptions@vhslifesaver.org for adoption details!
Bugsy is a 9-year-old male Shih Tzu/rat terrier mix. He is bonded to his sister Porky, and they must go home together! Both pups are very outgoing and will seek attention from you. They would love a family that can take them to the beauty shop regularly to keep their hair trimmed nice & neat. The adoption fee for both is only $235 – a $25 discount for adopting two! Or, ask about our Senior Pets program for senior citizens needing companions. Contact Vanderburgh Humane at (812) 426-2563 or adoptions@vhslifesaver.org for adoption details!