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Adams Will Propose 2% Pay Raises For City of Evansville Employees in 2016

Dr. Dan Adams


Evansville City Council President, Dr. H. Dan Adams, today announced that he will propose a 2% pay hike for Evansville municipal workers for the coming year.  Dr. Adams is releasing his position in advance of city budget hearings.

“I anticipate in next month’s difficult budget process that the Mayor may decide that city workers will see no raises in 2016”, stated Dr. Adams.  Recognizing the daunting fiscal position of the city, Dr. Adams still stressed that Evansville employees are the City’s greatest asset.   “Whether it be a church, hospital or our City, the real treasure of any organization is its employees.  Thus, their financial wellbeing should be protected first”, Dr. Adams remarked, “They should not be punished from this Administration’s spending and inept revenue forecasting.”

“I am confident that diligent budget review can result in identifying sources and adjustments that will yield the approximate $1.5 million needed to make this much needed raise happen,” Dr. Adams said.


He went on to set the tone for the upcoming budget review by asking his fellow council members to be prepared for the tough task of studying funding requests against the backdrop of dwindling fund balances.


“It is imperative that we move the city’s finances further down the path to solvency.  We must take a critical look at every departmental proposal, not just to identify and probe increases, but to determine realistic funding needs.  I plan to ask tough questions so we have a true picture of how much it really costs to run each city department.  I know my fellow council members will be up to the task,” Dr. Adams said.


Adams who is seeking a third term as an At-Large member of city council added that he will also propose council members forgo pay hikes next year.


  1. He’s been weak at best in asking questions and pushing fiscal responsibility. It’s rich that he would ask other members to essentially continue to carry him. Most of the City employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements. He’s talking about less than 200 people and mostly management. This is a poor example of pandering.

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