Accountability is Missing in Action


Robert Lincoln Hancock

By: Robert Lincoln Hancock

The remedy for the missing accountability and transparency in our marketplace and government is rising like the sun out from the darkness.

The impossible is possible.

Do you hear the giant sucking sound? It is the accountability vacuum in the marketplace, government and our personal lives. Accountability is critical to the integrity of character and trust both personally and organizationally. Its absence erodes the pillars and foundation of our public and private sector institutions. Subtly we slide down the darkside slippery slope to precipices where we hang on the ragged edge and risk going over the edge.

Henry David Thoreau said, “Most men live lives of quiet desperation.” Desperate or not, accountability is important for our security, safety and forging a future with hope. Our culture of secular relativism has contributed greatly to the demise of any absolute and unshakeable reference points for caring accountability.

This author took the liberty to market test his observation that accountability is going AWOL, missing in our culture and relationships. Clergy, politicians, business and professional CEO’s and unemployed drug and alcohol recovery interviewees numbered 120.

In each case, prior trust had been developed with the interviewees for candid exchange with assurance of confidentiality. Most were not sure who they could trust. Leaders are required to maintain an image and standard often beyond their capacity to sustain. Some surrounded by many people acknowledge they are often lonely and vulnerable. Vulnerability and temptation rises with the level of leadership..

The questions are pointed and candid. To be constructive, tough questions need to be asked and received without arrogance, rancor or malice, but with a genuine motive of concern for the well being of the person or institution. Without that understanding there can be no trust on which to effect a desired constructive outcome. Asking the tough personal or corporate questions can open the way for objectively debate of the pressing real issues. It is truth that frees people and institutions to be all God designed them to be. It can be done with civility and respect for diversity and individuality.

A sampling of the tough and probing questions asked:

1. Who do you have in your life that accepts you as you are and is asking the tough questions you need to be asked for your own growth and well being?

2. How is it really going at home in your relationships with those closest to you?

3. What are the issues and concerns that most preoccupy your thoughts?

4. If you could change anything in your life, occupation or relationships what would that be and what would it look like if it were what you want it to be?

5. What are the greatest barriers to your being fulfilled in your pursuit of happiness? Where would you start to address them?

6. What are your greatest joys, blessings and your personal definition of success?

7. What is your world view and what is the legacy you hope to leave for the next generation?

The most telling and shocking responses came unexpectedly to the first question. Most interviewees indicated they did not have trusted people in their life who were regularly inquiring and asking these kind of tough questions. Tragically, this is especially true with leaders who are molding and shaping the course of events for millions of people, nations and our world.

Our fast track culture places supercharged value on individualism with “I can do it on my own.” Expediency appears easier without accountability, but it takes us where none of us want to go. A dictatorial, undemocratic and self interest motivated leadership leads people to despair, erodes confidence, polarizes people and makes all of us feel insecure and vulnerable. In such a relationship or state we cannot thrive and our freedom and survival is threatened. The greatest enemy of good governance are special interests. Lobbies and earmarks are killing us all not softly. Americans have never been so disconnected from their leadership. Fortunately the people are rising to find the reset switch. Greed is the seed that we need to weed from our prosperity garden. That entrenched condition may require radical intervention and supernatural transformation.

Abraham Lincoln call to us for ” a government of, by and for the people”. The growing tea party movement of bipartisan and independent Americans is a classic example and direct product of the accountability and transparency vacuum. This surge is the peoples’ response to a lack of accountability and transparency in government, the marketplace and in our individual lives today. Imagine the resurgence of renewed confidence, like a fresh breeze, that could sweep clean the greed machine, broken promises, the huge waste of time and the peoples’ resources to bring a new order of accountability and transparency. That is the message that can save America and build a future with hope for the world.

For the tolerant, there is a timeless message from the Bible, “Accept one another as I accept you..” Romans 15:7. We are all Americans who share a love for freedom and an optimism for a future with hope. We have discovered just about everything in the world but the importance of relationships that transform and free people to be all God intended them to be. The teachable moment for entering the door of accountability comes at the point of our extremity. Accountability and transparency can lift our spirits, heal, renew our relationships and restore our personal and national integrity and trust.

There are a two prescriptions that offer promise for a bright future in spite of the current growing darkness. Tomorrow brings the dawn of a new day and with it a new paradigm in which to rebuild relationships that transcend partisan politics. Imagine a radical time tested and proven Prescription #1. ” if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14. This is a hard pill to swallow if we suffer from arrogance and the absurdity of thinking somehow we or our leaders are in control of what is or what is to be. If all things are of Him, to Him and through Him maybe we need to reconnect to find our Maker’s guidance as our forefathers did for their public service. All our founding documents attest to God’s Sovereignty including our inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Prescription #2. We can take our clue from the wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs where we read, “Where there is no counsel, purposes are frustrated, but with many counselors they are accomplished.” Proverbs 15:22. If our leaders are not listening to the multi-partisan voices representing the people, they are not fulfilling their oath of office to “protect and defend the Constitution” which is to serve the best interests of all the people.

The voices of the governed must be reflected in the actions of those elected to represent them. If not, the genius of our our system will give them the boot at the next exit. When integrity is restored through accountability and transparency, truth and justice will prevail and fellow Americans will be safeguarded under the Constitution. Our God-given inalienable rights with our constitutional rights guarantee our freedom given by our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer and our Founding Fathers.

It is accountability time for all of us. The day we shift from our obsession with our rights to what is right, on that day, we will see integrity as our protection and friend. There will be no lasting freedom without taking responsibility. Our system of government, imperfect as it is, still provides us the choice to remove those who do not meet the accountability and transparency test. We can be the change we want to see for restoring the integrity in our government, marketplace and our personal lives. The price of freedom is our greatest measure but to loose it will cost us our greatest treasure.

The party call for every American is the Freedom Party. Let this Party transcend all other parties. Let the freedom bell ring again and never end.

Robert Lincoln “Bud” Hancock is the author of Designed for a Purpose (1970). His education degrees are: Bachelor of Science from California State University and Masters Degree from University of California. His past service includes White House Reagan Administration appointment to the Senior Executive Service.
Mr. Hancock’s current service is as a business/ministry synergy developer and advocate for the voiceless and poor. Hancock is founder and chairman of Providence International Foundation, Set Free Services, Inc, Restoration Enterprises, Inc, and President of Stewardship Trust. He has facilitated the formation and development of numerous businesses and non-profit organizations around the world. This network of entities provide employment and livelihood enterprises to free the poor from dependence for a lifetime of productive service and multiplied capacity to help others do the same.


  1. As a heart surgeon, I HAD to be accountable for my actions every day. Rese ipse locatur…The thing speaks for itself. As a City Councilman, I try to do the same thing by explaining every contentious vote I make HDA

    • the problem is you are only one of very few that feels this way. We also have many boards and commissions, such as the CVB, spending millions of taxpayer dollars with no accountability to the voting public. How about making them advisory boards and giving an elected body the final say on where my money goes?

      • No. One of the problems is that people easily bite, on words… and they don’t have the time and inclination to actually compare the actions that may or may not be the opposite.

        You’re glad he “feels this way”…?

        If you read carefully, he said, “I try…”

        Plus I note he didn’t mention anything about the listening and engaging the PUBLIC, before explaining his actions upon us or voting the way he wants.

        Can you remember any communications, to the public, explaining any of his votes?

        • Here, Here, we live in a corperate age and corperations have no accountability. There is no one who is responsible everything is just passed off to another department. The buck never stops anywhere it just keeps rotateing around until everyone loses interest. Unforunatly this principle will continue untill the day each person is held responsible for their own actions. Then leaders will change their ways. The individuals of the corperations are not responsible only the corperation, which is not a person only a office.

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