Home Breaking News A Letter From Brandon lee Ferguson Candidate For District 77 State Representative

A Letter From Brandon lee Ferguson Candidate For District 77 State Representative


A Letter From Brandon lee Ferguson Candidate For District 77 State Representative

If you’re like me, you complain every election about the candidates or lack thereof, because our

concerns are not being represented. I am running because I believe it is time to make Evansville a better city and community for all.

Every year, we put our trust in candidates believing they will carry forth our struggles, and represent us both fairly and equally only to be left behind once election season is over.  I, like many in our community work hard for a living, live check by check, and struggle because the cost of everything is rising faster than we can afford. Most of us worry about keeping the heat on, hospital bills, putting food on the table, and day care costs for our children. We worry about affording insurance, and making that next car payment, and so do our seniors.  They worry about health insurance,
and bills while living on fixed incomes. These are real issues we are facing every day. As a son, husband, and father, these are issues very near and dear to my heart. I understand the struggles and frustration of working hard and continuing to make ends meet, and this is why I am running for office. I believe in our city’s potential, and I truly believe there are things that we can do to improve our community in ways that benefit all its citizens. I am running to move Evansville forward.

I believe it is time we put ourselves on the map by having an identity. Nashville is known for
Country music, Orlando has Disney, St. Louis has the Arch, and Seattle has the Space Needle. Let’s
encourage small businesses and become the entrepreneur city where we encourage not only big
business but mom and pop shops alike not only start but succeed in our community.  Many qualified
graduates leave our city due to lack of employment, I believe we need to utilize our new IU Medical
Center to its full capability, by insuring those students have great jobs in our community when they are finished.

The Medical Center has potential to be a hub at the forefront of research and the development of cures for disease. This is a great opportunity with potential for creating even more jobs in our
community.  We not only need more jobs but, good paying jobs making American made products, and this can be done once again by supporting small businesses in our community here in Evansville. We need to support and encourage those in our community making American made products. We have enough families working 2 and 3 minimum wages jobs. There isn’t a reason why we can’t make our own clothes, TV’s, washers…etc. It is not only unpatriotic but it should be illegal to take jobs from this country to another country and sell the products back just because of greed! Lack of employment leads to criminal activity, and I am also running to address and create solutions to the problems in our community in regards to crime and safety.

As a father, and like many in our community, safety is important for our families and loved ones
which is why we need to approach how we engage our youth differently. Instead of incarcerating our
youth and putting our police force in harm’s way, we need to start looking at prevention measures such as educational youth programs, and activities that give our youth purpose. Let’s allow our youth to be engaged and responsible members of society by providing them with the right tools to help them stay away from criminal activities. Let’s keep open those venues that keep our youth engaged and allow ourchildren to explore without participating in dangerous activities for example; recreational parks, community pools, and libraries. I believe in promoting healthy, positive activities, where the kids can be kids.

The diversity in our community is something we should all be proud of as it reflects the many
cultures within our community. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have an international district where we
support those in our community who want to open businesses to showcase their culture whether in the form of restaurants or grocery stores? There are many wonderful things about our city, and I believe it’s time we make Evansville work for everyone. You won’t receive emails from me to raise money. I am not asking for your money because most of us are already struggling. I am asking for your support and vote to improve our community to become a prosperous, and better place to live.

Let’s move Evansville forward.  God bless you all!

Brandon Lee Ferguson

Candidate for District 77 State Representative

FOOTNOTE:  This letter was posted without opinion, bias or editing.  


  1. I have been at many community planning events. Brainstorming, advocating for improvements to the city and area, talking to politicians, talking to business leaders and other community leaders.

    I have yet to see, meet or shake Mr. Lee’s hand.

    The question is… where have you been?

    Most of the stuff you talk about in this letter is being actively pursued. Where are you?

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