Home Uncategorized A completely different look at skewed polls on this link


  1. B.S. Instead of always looking for articles that benefits your man Rommey, you need to go to CNN and read some of the polls there.

    • We have and we publish the RCP results most days which includes the CNN polls in their averages. The Obama campaign threatened Gallup when they did not like the results and none of the mainstream media publishes what they do not control. We are just trying to show a different perspective. Don’t forget, Carter lead Reagan by over 5 points at this stage and ended up getting trounced. CNN and other polls predicted Scott Walker would be recalled. How did that work out for them. Rasmussen called it to a point. Anything can still happen and all methodologies deserve to be read.

      • What a load of BS (Obama threatening Gallup). When the source of your info is dead-idiot Breitbart and Fauxnews you continue to show what little credibility your “all methodologies deserve to be read”.

        This is the same editorial staff that is afraid and eliminates opposing points of view by deleting dissent they do not like.

        • Wait until the day after the election to crow about how smart you are.

    • Agreed! When Rasmussen and Gallup were favoring their whipping boy Romney they sure spouted off on that. But now that the polls average to Obama +4 (and Gallup pointing to Obama +6) they no longer post those.

      Consistent bunch of hypocrites

      • Posted Monday name caller. We would have again today except for the local stories that took what little time we have. We will probably post again tomorrow and we have added the RCP numbers to appease you. Of course if the news from the consolidation debates takes all of our time we won’t post. Everyone here has a job outside of here. We post when we can. You are under no obligation to ever come to the website if you do not like what we do.

  2. It’s true that Axelrod criticized Gallup and that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is suing Gallup, but there’s no evidence (not even the timing) that they’re related. That lawsuit has been in the works since 2009, long before Axelrod got huffy at Gallup in April of this year. DOJ is suing Gallup to recover taxpayer money that it’s owed due to Gallup’s overbilling. The lawsuit arose because A FORMER GALLUP EMPLOYEE noted that Gallup overcharges for its government contracts.

    • If you do not see the timing as related you need to do some serious self evaluation. The investigation `could have waited until after the election and the government would not have missed a single meal.

  3. CCO has been running stories concerning presidential polls ad nauseaum. I’ve only skimmed a few, but the take-away appears to be that poll results from any and all poll-taking agencies are skewed for various reasons (methodology, ideological bias, etc.).

    Shocking. All polls are rigged, all ‘facts’ are subject to disproof, and for every expert on a subject you can find another that states the exact opposite view on any given topic. War is peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is strength.

    Is it any wonder that Joe and Jane Six-Pack are disengaged from the political process in this country?

  4. The Presidential election is going to come down to who does the better job stealing votes and covering their own asses doing it…the same as it’s been all my life.

    • It’s high time you thought of someone other than yourself.

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