The Board members of the Vanderburgh County Health Department and our health partners call on our local governmental leaders, business leaders, and the public to immediately act with us to help protect our children, pregnant individuals, and all vulnerable individuals threatened by the rising numbers of COVID-19 infections in our community. Our regional hospitals and their essential staff are being overwhelmed with patients.
- In Vanderburgh County, the lowest vaccination rates are in the younger age ranges:
12-15 years 2.8% 16-19 years 3.8% 20-24 years 5.4% 25-29 years. 5.5%
- Our local hospitalization numbers for COVID patients are the highest they have ever been.
- Out of 1,288 Hospital Admissions between August 1-August 22, 2021, 1,271 (98.6%) WERE NOT VACCINATED.
- Many young adults and children are testing positive and are being admitted to the hospital, some critically ill.
Please join us to keep our children, pregnant women, and community safer by promoting that:
• Every eligible individual should be vaccinated
• All should mask responsibly, whether vaccinated or not, especially in schools and large gatherings
• Social distancing and hand washing should be practiced
We can keep our children and community safer. They depend on us and it is our responsibility to help protect them. The time is now.
With respect and urgency,
The Vanderburgh County Board of Health
VCHD Board Members
Dr. Michelle Galen Sandee Strader-McMillen
VCHD Board Chair VCHD Board Vice-Chair
Dr. Maria Del-Rio Hoover Dr. Mark Wohlford
Dr. John PulciniMr. Timothy J. Hubert
Mr. Fred Mulfinger
Health Partners
Deaconess Health System Ascension St. Vincent’s Evansville
Dr. James Porter, MD Dan Parod
President President, Southern Region
ECHO Health Vanderburgh County Medical Society
Sandee Strader-McMillen Roberto Iglesias, MD
Chief Executive Officer Executive Board President
Vanderburgh County Medical Alliance
Heidi Lance