A Beautifully Choreographed Study In Collaborative Government


Last night’s City Council meeting was a beautifully choreographed study in collaborative government. Not a single “nay” vote was cast during the meeting.  Granted, most of the issues taken up were largely non-controversial. It was mostly re-zonings , accompanied by the a reciprocal agreement between the cities of Henderson and Evansville Fire Departments in case of a disaster. Fire Chief Mike Connolley delivered some good news to the Council when he informed them that money from a federal grant had been used to get firefighters a second set of gear. That will make it possible to get gear that is contaminated with carcinogens cleaned immediately and reduce the exposure to toxic materials.

We heard from Russ Lloyd about some fund-shuffling from the Riverboat Fund. Money from the Street and Road Fund is being replaced with boat money, as it is a capital expenditure. We expect this will be a regular occurrence until the $13 million that is not yet allocated is gone.  The City-County Plan for 2016 to 2035 was passed with praise for the plan and the Area Plan Commission.  No questions were asked, and no details offered. The Town of Darmstadt must also approve it, and we suspect there may be some questions when it is presented there.

Kelly Coures made his regular appearance to seek permission to juggle some DMD funds, when he told the Council that ECHO housing is passing a $30,000 grant it received along to AURORA, the homeless outreach program. The unexpected cut in Federal funding to that agency has left the city scrambling to find operating cash to keep the agency afloat. Coures also told the Council members about a press conference given earlier in the day, in which Councilman Weaver announced the kick-off of a Capital Campaign for AURORA, which will seek to raise $160,000 to devote to the operation of the agency.

DMD Director Kelly Coures  told City Council that he needs some extra money for paying for rooms for the neighborhood representatives that will be attending the Regional Neighborhoods Conference in Illinois.  He said DMD didn’t set aside enough to pay for the block of rooms they are furnishing for the various neighborhood activists that have been chosen to represent Evansville. Course never explained what kind of accommodations the Evansville tax payers was furnishing the collaborative neighborhood folks, not one Council member questioned it.

We had the distinct feeling that we were watching an amateur theater presentation instead of a meeting of the governing body of a vibrant city.

On the plus side, it does appear that Missy Mosby is beginning to be more familiar with Roberts Rules and is reading her lines better.


  1. Let’s call for this motley crew to suspend holding sham public presentations/meetings with their attendant preordained votes until the voters can reconstitute the council. It is now simply a rubber stamp for the administration, not a check on it. If nothing else it would give Coures more free street time to hustle up some found money, I guess he finally figured out it’s easier just to ask. This council is embarrassing, their soundtrack is evocative of the little guy in the ATM shuffling money before spitting it out.

    Is it true Old Yeller disdainfully calls them ‘Bob’s Rules’?

  2. Like in yesteryears we all remember the weekly series, “Hawaii 5-0” starring Jack Lord ..and now we have Evansville 9-0 starring Messy Nosby a/k/a Mosby and Sir Santa Lloyd Winnecke

  3. Have you ever been to an EVSC board meeting – the same thing – no discussion – all yes votes.

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