Red Cross asks for the Help Stuffing Totes for Local Veterans


(Evansville) – The American Red Cross is proud to once again launch the Totes of Hope, a program designed to engage the community to help give back to low-income and homeless veterans in time for Veterans Day in the Evansville Metro area.

Created and launched in 2008, Totes of Hope program distributed over 800 care packages including basic toiletry items as a way to say more than just thank you for their service to our country for Veteran’s Day. “Services to our Armed Forces and Veterans is a vital component of Red Cross Services and when we heard many of our local veterans were lower income or homeless and need of vital supplies to survive, we knew this was a community problem we wanted to help combat,” said Matt Bertram, Regional CEO, American Red Cross.

Totes of Hope aims to engage the community to help collect supplies over the next three weeks. All donated supplies will then be stuffed in a Red Cross totes and delivered to local veterans on Friday, November 18th at both the Evansville VA Clinic and Vet Center. The public is encouraged to help stuff a tote and offer hope to a local veteran by donating any of the following supplies:

 Baby Wipes
 Hand Sanitizer
 Shampoo/Conditioner
 Bar of Soap
 Soap Caddy
 Deodorant
 Razors & Shaving Cream
 Toothbrush
 Toothbrush Caddy
 Toothpaste & Dental Floss
 Pocket Pack Facial Tissues
 Plastic Combs & Brushes
 Socks  Shower Shoes or Flip Flops
 Stocking Caps/Ear Muffs
 Gloves
 Small Umbrellas
 Phone cards
 Crossword Puzzles
 Sudoku Books
 Books or Magazines
 Deck of Cards
 Pocket Calendars
 Prescription Caddy
 Bus Tokens
 Canned Goods/Openers

“We hope people will think about items they need to survive including toiletries, personal items, cold weather items and more and help us ensure our local veterans have these items as the winter months approach” Bertram added. “If every person in our community would donate one item, we could meet our goal of stuffing 800 totes and help say more than just thank you to our local heroes in time for Veteran’s Day.”

Donations of the above listed supplies can be dropped off at several area locations through Friday, November 4h:

• American Red Cross 29 S. Stockwell Road Evansville, IN
• Old Navy Store – Eastland Mall 800 N. Green River Road Evansville, IN
• Expressway Auto Dealerships Evansville & Mt. Vernon, IN

For more information about the Totes of Hope Program or to make a monetary contribution to support American Red Cross Services to Our Armed Forces programs including the Totes of Hope Program, visit our website or Links to supply lists are also being posted through social media websites including Facebook & twitter.