Mole #3 Predicts the Endorsements of the Police Union


Mole #3 has been sniffing around the FOP meeting tonight and has learned the following about the forthcoming endorsements for the City of Evansville elections:

Mayor: Lloyd Winnecke

Ward 1: No Information

Ward 2: Missy Mosby

Ward 3: Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley

Ward 4: No Information

Ward 5: John Friend (after much discussion and a preliminary conclusion to endorse no one)

Ward 6: Al Lindsey

At Large:

Dr. H. Dan Adams

Bill Kramer



  1. Why back Missy she just votes party lines and no clue what is good for Evansville!!!!!!

  2. Is it true that Rick Davis polled the FOP PAC over the weekend, and when discovering the endorsement was leaning toward Winnecke, Davis offered, “if fortunate enough to be elected mayor, to appoint a committee of police officers to name the next chief?

    Is it true that if Davis offered this carrot, it might be viewed as the same type of incentive as you or me trying to buy our way out of a speeding ticket?

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