IS IT TRUE? September 22, 2011 Part 2


IS IT TRUE? September 22, 2011 Part 2

IS IT TRUE that we have just learned that 6th Ward City Council candidate Al Lindsey has prevailed in the lawsuit filed against him by David Mosby et al, to prevent him from running for Evansville City Council because he didn’t meet resident qualifications to run for this seat?…that we also were told that Mr. Lindsey intends to file a lawsuit against the individuals responsible for the suit brought against him?…that Mr. Lindsey had the political and legal acumen to hire one of this region’s most effective attorneys to represent him?…that his attorney was none other than radio and TV legal personality Les Shively?

IS IT TRUE this a prototype of a car that the Mayor of Evansville shall be requiring that our police department use in catching drug dealers starting next month?…that since the city is going to give free electric chargers at downtown parking garages the police department shall save hundreds of thousands of dollars in fuel charges?…that someday soon we will all be reliving our childhood and driving electric cars?…that every kids favorite electric car is a BUMPER CAR?

IS IT TRUE that there is one particular reason why local political types haven’t embraced Casino Aztar’s idea to add another 140 rooms onto their present Hotel so they can provide quality and affordable rooms to Ford Center patrons from out of town?…that the NCAA rule states that college athletes can’t stay at any Hotel owned or run by a gaming business?…that the Evansville Sports Authority is working hard to bring some future NCAA events to the Ford Center and that a key to attracting this is to have an approved hotel right next to the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the race for Mayor is now considered too close to call?…that the next 47 days is all there is for people to decide who will be elected to be our next Mayor?…that in the spirit of Coach Nolan Richardson of the NCAA champion Arkansas Razorbacks that the last 40 days of this election cycle shall be christened to be “40 Days of Hell” for both candidates?

IS IT TRUE the CCO would like to thank Vectren officials and public relations staff for spending time with us to clarify a recent press release regarding a fee adjustment?…that the words chosen for the clarification statement while still hedging for future changes in the price of coal did send the message that ratepayers would actually realize positive cash flow of between $30 and $130 over a 36 year period?…that the best way to have been completely clear would have been to write down $466 from each ratepayer and between $496 and $596 to each ratepayer, but for reasons we understand and to take advantage of the 7.29% guaranteed return on investment we understand why exact language was avoided?

IS IT TRUE that we hear that CAPE is moving its administrative offices to the old Wellborn Clinic (Walker Building)?…we hear that EVANSVILLE HOPE has already moved their offices to this location?…that the management of this building must be handing out some real deals as many non-profits and other businesses have been relocating to it?

IS IT TRUE that the Mole Nation is bombarding the CCO with statements that indicate that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has quietly approved an additional $500,000 to purchase another parking lot for the McCurdy residents?…that we are a bit skeptical that the ERC would do such a thing but it would not surprise us either?

IS IT TRUE that we have been advised that Evansville City Council members Connie Robinson, Missy Mosby, and Dan Adams are not going to be supportive of the City of Evansville tossing another $250,000 into the deal for 40 luxury rental houses that is planned for random locations within the Front Door Pride district?…that waiving of fees plus the other incentives that have already been granted by the City of Evansville seem to these esteemed elected officials to be enough?


  1. “IS IT TRUE that we hear that CAPE is moving its administrative offices to the old Wellborn Clinic (Walker Building)?…we hear that EVANSVILLE HOPE has already moved their offices to this location?…that the management of this building must be handing out some real deals as many non-profits and other businesses have been relocating to it?

    The name is right on the tip of my tongue…funny I can seem to remember it, maybe I need another glass of kool-aid to jog my memory.

  2. The intent of this frivolous suit was to disadvantage Mr. Lindsey,– by costing Mr. Lindsey Money to defend himself. The bi-partison Election Board had approved his residencey as required by law. This was just
    everyday politics as practiced by Evansville’s Darkside Democrats.—
    Sue their “filthy” socks off Mr. Lindsey!

  3. Hopefully, one the CCO investigative reporters will be able to obtain and publish the Court Ruling.

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