Daily Topic Forum May 10, 2015



  1. V– your calling out old doc whiplash in yesterday’s topical forum, is on the money,–he and those leaders like him cannot think outside of the box of a 1950’s mentality. He imitates Flash Gordon in a O-b-won World that is set for tomorrow and waiting on a 21st Century vision of where we are going with our goal setting– and going to be 50-75 or more years out from now, climate change and all. The Dreamers Evansville needs for that matter, are/will be push aside for the “Now” by these Ancients (as in Ancient infrastructure they are akin to) as they try to hold back intellectual based evolution out of their quest for self aggrandizement, and political greed for power. Only in their eventual and natural passing can we hold on to any hope for the coming generations. Evansville needs a Hero and the Doc and his “Old Downtown” ilk ain’t it.

    • To bad the exploration and edit feature on this blog is a bid bit shallow on its timing, I left an answer however, as usual, in Evansville political stuff its held in time until the powers that allow the “make or deny”, digest its content for clearing the content for informative media, which is all it is in the first place. Is really God darned Sad.
      That’s something this little blog could actively improve, and by doing that it could maybe improve the outcomes due the political licking situations that still overbearingly rule over this minor little mid western Indiana burg.
      Change in todays world isn’t a choice, its an “scientific eminent valuation.” Thus an “constant for anyone’s real valuation. ”
      The faster those nut cakes learn that, the better for the revenue base regulated to support its altered state whimsical projections . 😛

  2. The one thing that Doc said that has made me stop and rethink the IU med school being downtown is that he said that he polled the IU med school Students and even they favored the downtown area. That gave me some pause. I got to thinking about how many new young people are going downtown these days. Back in my days many of my peers would not be caught dead going downtown to have fun. The downtown had it’s hay days back in the 1940’s during the war. By the last 1960’s when I was in High School the favorite thing to do for the kids was to cruise around the restraunts and hook up with other kids your own age. But no one went to cruise the downtown that I can remember. There was Frischs out on Diamond Ave near the old North High School,, Park Place Drive in Restaurant out on Hwy 66 West and then the Farmers Daughter Restaurant out on Green River Road where the Harrison Kids cruised.

    These days that kids go down to the “District” and cruise the river front on roller blades and skateboards and either run or walk along the Riverfront by the Casino and on down to the Museum. And they hang out at some of the new bars next to the Ford Center. But at what cost did we have to pay to make the Down Town a little more attractive. The major department stores are still located out on the East Side and North Side of town. Downtown actually died when the last movie theater closed down and all the stores moved out to the new Mall on the East Side back in the 1970’s. The only people that go downtown these days are those that have a job down there and have to in order to go to work. People working at the Civic Center and a few other businesses that cater to the Government or courts. Parking is still a major head ace if you don’t spend lots of hard earned money to rent a permenant parking space in a parking garage. Think about how many stores used to be in our Downtown and how many are left. They all moved out of the downtown area and out to the outskirts of town on the East, North and Even West Side. Where did all the Hotel and Motels relocate to? Where are the movie theaters. Hopeful this post won’t give the Mayor any ideas about spending another 57 million dollars to get someone to come to downtown and build a movie theater.

    The best assets the City has downtown in the River Front area. Too bad its’ so polluted along our edge of the River due to the Raw Sewage coming out of the Evansville, IN discharge pipes upstream from the Plaza.

    In the past I’ve looked at Aerial Photographs of the River Front area and from above one could clearly see in the picture the plume of wastewater coming out of the pipes. The color of the water being discharged was quite different than the rest of the river water and showed up clearly on the photo. This is what the USEPA satellites see on a regular basis. It’s called Remote Sensing People.

    • Adams is so full of it, his breath has to stink like the ancient CSO sewers in Old Downtown.
      The dubious claims of a “poll” of students should hardly qualify– as justification to pile $37 Millions in additional bonded Debt on to the Taxpayers back ( for a $57 Million total for the taxpayers) beyond the Promenade site cost ($20 Million). The Promenade site also would include the Ivy Tech students that the Old Downtown would not. The Cake eaters would sacrifice the Students of Ivy Tech, and $37 Million from the Citizenry’s wallets, in the name of “Saving Old Downtown”.
      What wonderful,— and contemptible Leadership!

    • You are reminiscing about high school. Those two bars by the Ford Center, Hammerheads, The Jungle, the District, the Casino, and Scores are all illegal for high schools kids to even go. They are all designed to capture the drinking crowd. That does not mix well with minors and cars. Downtown Evansville is designed to attract the lowest common denominator and the shootings and fights prove it.

      • Ah, yes and as climate migration continues to march forward, Evansville has no plan to cope with the impending demise. Nothing, nada, zippoleala. Pushing the old downtown now “expedites its failure”, and that seemingly without any systematic planning to adapt to what’s becoming the new normal around the world and across America. One would think especially an MD, might seek to drive the kind of change that means preparation for humanistic well being, with the impending changes that are now just “multiplying daily facts.” That campus needs to built where the cost for infrastructure is less, logistics are advanced, and more “viable funding” can be dedicated to actual floor space and the expanding medical earth sciences through exemplary curriculum and inclusionary student body reforms. That can be broken down as the core essence of why the health sciences can easily become the largest denominator in adaptation for climate migrations that are happening now and increasing as we communicate.
        That’s what building for this century should include , and that’s also true “strategic decisive leadership. ” Apparently something the political cabal there in Evansville continues to lean away from at an increasing percentage per year as observed.



  3. I just want to take a moment to remember the Hattiesburg Police Officers that were killed in the line of duty. May they rest in peace.

      • Cold blooded murder is what that looks like, and we wouldn’t be a bit surprised if was premeditated cold blooded murder. This country needs to gather on its once culturally shared moral planes. Things are bad on both sides of the recent events, however cold blooded premeditated murder is pure evil in its own plane of events. No excuses for this misdirection of life’s primaries. Our youth are watching, we must perform.

  4. Jade Helm: with all the threats in the world from the Islamic radical terrorists, we park our top level operators in the US. This is either complete folly, or our Country (USA- for Obama) is under far greater danger than we know:
    ‘President Barack Obama plans to launch a military operation this summer that will see the special forces which killed Osama bin Laden team up with Walmart to take over Texas.

    The invasion will also target the Mormon stronghold of Utah and an “insurgent pocket” in California. But the main thrust will be in Texas where 1,200 special forces — Army Green Beret forces to Navy Seals — will try to reclaim the state that voted for Mitt Romney in the 2012 election.

    As the US focuses on the threat from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis), anti-Obama groups have been fanning the flames of conspiracy over Jade Helm 15, a long-planned military exercise to let troops “practise core special warfare tasks, which help protect the nation against foreign enemies”.

    Mr Obama is no stranger to conspiracy theories — for instance, Donald Trump claiming that he was not born in the US and so not qualified to occupy the White House.

    The former “Republic of Texas” has also had one of the strongest streaks of independence in the US since it was annexed in 1845, making the “Lone Star” state ripe for conspiracy tales involving the federal government.

    But the latest intrigue took on a new dimension when Greg Abbott, the new Republican governor of Texas, ordered the State Guard, a branch of the Texas state military, to monitor Jade Helm on the grounds that it was “important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed”.

    • I knew he’d make good someday. Like some of the weak minds that get away with murder, it’s eating at him. He’s racked up the record of a clown since he stalked and gunned that unarmed kid down. He’ll eventually get what he’s asking for and so deserves.

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