Governor Signs Legislation Allowing for Limited Syringe Exchange Program in Public Health Emergencies



Pence: “Our administration will continue to work tirelessly to confront the crisis in Scott County in a compassionate and focused way until public health and public safety are restored”


Indianapolis – Today, Governor Mike Pence signed Senate Enrolled Act 461, regarding the use of syringe or needle exchange programs in the case of public health emergencies like the recent HIV outbreak in Scott County. The law takes effect immediately.


“Having been informed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Indiana State Department of Health of the presence of an HIV epidemic in Scott County, our administration took decisive action on March 26 declaring a public health emergency and responded with a broad range of resources including a limited syringe exchange program to confront this crisis.


“Since that time, our public health community has worked tirelessly to confront this outbreak, and our administration worked with members of the Indiana General Assembly to construct a legal framework under which Scott County and other counties could respond to public health emergencies in the future, and I am pleased to sign SEA 461 into law today.


“I am grateful for the efforts of legislators in both political parties for moving this important public health measure forward in a timely way. This measure will save lives and give public health officials the broadest range of options to confront this and other public health emergencies in the future.


“Hoosiers may be assured that our administration will continue to work tirelessly to confront the crisis in Scott County in a compassionate and focused way until public health and public safety are restored.”


For a full list of the bills Governor Pence has signed, visit Bill Watch: