IS IT TRUE? September 8, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? September 8, 2011

IS IT TRUE that both candidates for Mayor of Evansville came to last night’s debate well prepared to address the questions at hand?…that the majority of the questions that are of interest to the people of Evansville are predictable and that both of the candidates had obviously spent time practicing their lines?…that the format flowed well and that the absence of a peanut gallery of loud support for either candidate was a good way to keep viewers attention on the debate and off of the antics that sometimes come from a crowd?

IS IT TRUE that both candidates seem to get it that jobs is the #1 concern of most people in Evansville and even across the country?…that both candidates have published economic plans that can be read in full on their campaign websites?…that while both plans have their good points that neither has a “rabbit out of the hat” quick fix to the problems like unemployment and underemployment?…that the same goes for the problem of “sinking skills pays sinking wages” that is affecting manufacturing based economies in cities all across the country but particularly in the Midwest?…that both candidates seem to understand that business as usual in the Civic Center has worn out whatever welcome that it ever had and that local government must become transparent and sensitive to the will of the people?…that the “one liner of the night” award goes to Rick Davis for his opening remark quip of “THE STATUS QUO HAS GOT TO GO”?…that in much of the detail of the dialog of the debate although they chose different words to say it that both candidates seem to understand that it is time for big changes in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that both candidates agree that the first role of local government is to provide for PUBLIC SAFETY?…that there is agreement that the City of Evansville could do a better job of implementing diversity initiatives?…that both candidates agree that seeking efficiency in government is preferable to raising taxes?…that both candidates want the Ford Center to succeed?…that both candidates would like to see Roberts Stadium become some kind of success without competing with the Ford Center?…that both candidates think that whatever happens at Roberts Stadium must be financially responsible…that these kinds of questions are pretty easy to spend two minutes answering without offending anyone?…that no sane candidate would have disagreed with either of them on these questions?

IS IT TRUE that when the question of how to deal with meth labs was raised that we learned for the first time that both candidates support the ever louder call to support a statewide law requiring that pseudoephedrine based medicines be put on a list of prescription medicines?…that Mr. Davis has supported this all along?…that in the case of Mr. Winnecke that this is a new position?…that the CCO agrees with this position and would like to congratulate Mr. Winnecke on thinking this through and reaching what is an unfortunate but logical conclusion?…that flexibility and a willingness to think and change is a good trait in both candidates and everyday people?

IS IT TRUE that it was learned in Louisville yesterday that another former Evansville business is now a Louisville business and that MONEY IS WHY THEY MOVED?…that Agent 511, a technology based business that had its first “out of the garage” home in downtown Evansville’s Innovation Pointe in 2007 – 2009 is now prospering in Louisville and was in attendance at yesterday’s meeting of the Louisville Venture Connection group of Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists?…that makes 3 companies that could have been and should have been growing and creating jobs in Evansville if local equity investment dollars had been available that have found investment dollars in Louisville?

IS IT TRUE that more details regarding the role of capital and brains in the role of job growth as it applies to both candidates economic plans will be the subject of IS IT TRUE PART 2?


  1. I’m seeing this: “that both candidates would like to see Roberts Stadium become some kind of success without competing with the Ford Center?…” sentiment quite a bit lately.

    Why would two successful venues be a bad thing?
    What if Roberts became some new thing that drew flocks of people?

    My concern is that the idea of artificially handicapping any enterprise so that another one can flourish is a dangerous one.

    • “Why would two successful venues be a bad thing?
      What if Roberts became some new thing that drew flocks of people?

      My concern is that the idea of artificially handicapping any enterprise so that another one can flourish is a dangerous one.”


      So that would bring The Centre into the mix which looses between $800k – $1.2m every year, and I might add is right across the street from the arena (err Ford Center), not in competition is it, ran by a totally different management company which I’m sure will not share info with VenueWorks on a direct basis.

      The comment made the other day about leaving Roberts in operation and tearing down The Centre actually makes more sense if you look at the big picture.


  2. I understand that one of the questions posed to each candidate last night was something like “as an administrator, what is your minority hiring record?” Does anyone know hor sure how many persons of color Rick Davis has hired at the County Treasurer’s office, and how many persons of color Lloyd Winnecke hired at 5/3 Bank?

    • Your right Crash, it was your idea? if so we can petition the city to name the new parking garage built on the spot “Crash Garage!”


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