Home Community News Lexington Salary Database for Public Employees

Lexington Salary Database for Public Employees


Across the board from the lowly paid City Council to the Mayor these salaries look to be about 25% higher than Evansville’s.

The Department Heads all appear to be making $114,705

Link to interactive database



  1. It’s not about the money at all…UNLESS THEY EARN IT!! I’m certain that everyone on these boards save the tax payers at least their salaries upon entering their office; or that should at least be the prerequisite for keeping the office. The politicians have all earned reputations; once in a PARTY, party until the cows come home. But what about us, their BOSSES? Stealing $5 bucks from a local market puts one in jail. Stealing millions from tax payers earns one the right to lie and make excuses until the misguided become our own jailers…in asense. But that’s just my opinion.

    • The information about unions was not on the data base. I expect that most of the employs of the City of Lexington that are not elected or appointed are union. Most cities choose to do things that way.

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