IS IT TRUE: August 30, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE: August 30, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that the minutes of the meetings of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission for August 12th and August 16th have not yet been posted on the ERC website?…that the agenda for the meeting that is scheduled for September 7, 2011 has also not been posted on the website?…that we are expecting to hear something about both the McCurdy Hotel plans for going forward at this meeting?…that we are anticipating that an elected official may be asking questions regarding the loan that Centre City Properties took from 5th 3rd Bank on the property that may just keep the City of Evansville from ever seeing even one red cent if the financing to turn the McCurdy into apartments never happens?

IS IT TRUE that some citizens of Evansville are sort of miffed that they learned recently that Mr. Tom Barnett, the Director of Metropolitan Development for the City of Evansville and the Field Marshall for the McCurdy and other ERC activities has never been inside the McCurdy?…that on the surface that sort of seems detached on Mr. Barnett’s part and that these citizens who contacted the CCO about this were quite upset?…that these citizens did not have the benefit of knowing that all of the deals with the McCurdy Hotel between the City of Evansville and Centre City Properties LLC were already in place before Mr. Barnett turned down the sunshine of Florida to accept his two paycheck deal in Evansville?…that the McCurdy Hotel is actually the property of Center City Properties LLC that holds a 1st Mortgage from 5th 3rd Bank on the property?…that Mr. Barnett does not have and never has had under his tenure the authority to go onto this piece of private property to do anything but trim some weeds and run off some rats?…that when it comes to the McCurdy that Mr. Barnett is just as much of a victim of poor business dealings entered into by the ERC and the Weinzapfel Administration as the rest of us are?

IS IT TRUE that last spring that Keep Evansville Beautiful did a masterful job of raising over $50,000 to refurbish the fountain at the entrance to Garvin Park?…that the dedication and the pictures of this work were both tasteful and beautiful?…that after securing private dollars to do this work and dedicating the fountain that the responsibility was turned over to the proven un-capable hands of the Evansville Parks and Recreation Department?…that during the last month that there is no water in the fountain?…that we are wondering if the Evansville Parks and Recreation department has set a new record for how fast a public entity could negate a great private effort by failing to operate the fountain?…that when private dollars and private efforts bail out local government entities that these government entities should darn well take the initiative to keep water in the fountain and turn the lights on so that we can enjoy its beauty when we attend Otter games or go to Garvin Park?

IS IT TRUE that up until about 3 pm this afternoon that Garvin Park looked like Hurricane Irene passed through?…that there were trash barrels overflowing and garbage blowing around like a fresh winter snow?…that this kind of negligence is what the people of Evansville are getting from the same organization that showed their arrogance when a father brought it to their attention that a drug addicts needle was in a City Park?…that the failures of this department are way too numerous to list here?…that this fountain that is not being used as a fountain and the multi-acres landfill that should be known as Garvin Park has been brought to you by some of the people who decided that Roberts Stadium is unrepairable because the water fountains don’t work and other maintenance has been ignored?…that it is time for this function to be placed into the hands of people who care enough to do their job?


  1. Say, what is that red object hovering over the fountain ? Is that the ghost of Parks Departments past ?

      • we can fix this ! require the martian to pay a tax stamp to the City for his sudafed, with all tax stamp revenue to the parks dept. also, Walgreens should ban all UFO’s going through their drive through.

  2. ERC should be renamed the Evansville Fubar Commission (EFC). The minutes they put out there are worthless, no dollar amounts for the expenditures they “approve” and never posted timely. My favorite are the minutes of the 8/17/2010 meeting. The minutes are the same as the agenda, i.e., they have used the Agenda in place of the Minutes to give the appearance to the casual observer that all of the meetings in 2010 have minutes available for the public. Take a look at 10-ERC-86 on the agenda, Authorizing Second Amendment to Contract for Purchase of Real Estate With Browning Hotel Associates LLC. Wonder what was said/ acted upon on that resolution ????????? The ERC (sorry, EFC) are always accused of not operating “transparently”, but that’s an unfair statement: I can see right through them !

  3. It’s been said the current ERC couldn’t sell ice water in a heat wave. Hard to disagree.

  4. Man,anybody else think there might be some better people able to run Evansville?
    I mean, how hard could it be?
    A fountain?
    They can’t manage a fountain?
    A fountain that private money set right and then said “there,there’s your fountain,now treat it right”.
    And then they screw it up?

    Best hire another “research firm” to explain why people are leaving in droves.

  5. Well, The Weinzapfel Administration IS leaving us with a shiney new hood ornament.

    The next mayor can really be justified in
    stating, “We are going to do better, be better,–the dark days of the snegal Weinzapfel gang are over”.

    122 days to go.

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