Enrollment record at USI


University of Southern Indiana set a new enrollment record when fall 2011 course registration closed on Friday, August 26. The University has 10,820 students enrolled for the 2011-2012 academic year, up from the previous record, 10,702, set last year.

“The number of new undergraduate students on campus reached 2,807, the highest since 2005 when 2,811 new students enrolled,” said Dr. Ronald S. Rochon, provost.

The majority of students, 5,145, continue to come from Vanderburgh and contiguous counties, along with 1,302 students from nearby counties. This year the number of students from central and northern Indiana counties increased to 2,825 students. Students also come from 43 other states and 60 other countries.

“We are at capacity in campus housing,” Rochon said. USI serves 3,000 students in apartments and residence halls on the campus.

The student census shows that women represent nearly 61 percent of the students and 75 percent of students are under 25 years of age. Those over 25 years of age increased by 90 students

Minority and international students represent more than 10 percent of the student population. “One of the goals of the University′s strategic plan is to increase diversity among students, faculty, and staff,” Rochon said. “We continue to work to grow in that area. USI views a diverse student population as an important educational resource that enhances learning and academic development plus helps strengthen our commitment to multiculturalism.”

The numbers indicate undergraduate students remain at USI for their education. The junior-level students′ total is 1,970 and the seniors number 2,376. Of the enrollment total, 941 students are pursuing graduate studies.

“USI is becoming more selective of the students it accepts, and the credentials for the Class of 2015 are good.” Rochon said. “It shows in the high academic profile and service records of the new students. While many of the new students are top performers in high school and community college, we review, with an holistic approach, community service and leadership skills as we evaluate applications for admission.”

Another notable statistic for the Class of 2015: 14 sets of twins are among the new students.

Classes for the fall semester began August 22 and will continue through early December.