IS IT TRUE: August 28, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: August 29, 2011

IS IT TRUE that those persons who wish to attend this political action committee fundraiser are asked to respond directly to Lauren Jones, the wife of City ofthe Evansville City Attorney, at the Jones law firm? …that the City Attorney’s law firm has received rental income from the City of Evansville for the last 7 plus years? IS IT TRUE that none of the funds raised by this political event to be held on September 8th will go to Democratic Mayoral candidate Rick Davis’campaign? …we are interested for Mr. Jones to give us a legal opinion on what constitutes one being considered a “Mainstream Democrat”?

IS IT TRUE if Rick Davis is elected Mayor of Evansville, attorney David Jones’ days of doing legal work for the City of Evansville will be over? …that Mr. David Jones’ newly organized political group (“Main Stream Democrats”) will prove to be a major boost to the Davis for Mayor campaign because the majority of City employees, Fire Fighters and Police officers hold the City of Evansville Attorney in low regard?

IS IT TRUE that a real true to life liberal “Mainstream Democrat” is Pro Choice?… a real true to life liberal “Mainstream Democrat” would never pass up an opportunity to enact a comprehensive smoking ban?…a real true to life liberal “Mainstream Democrat” supports expanding the powers of government?… a real true to life liberal “Mainstream Democrat” is on board with the redistribution of wealth and earnings?… a real true to life liberal “Mainstream Democrat” would even consider holding closed door meetings to concoct schemes to subvert the will of the people?… a real true to life liberal “Mainstream Democrat” would never use SNEGAL but clever tactics to circumvent the referendum process for a massive public spending project?…that this list could take up the whole column?

IS IT TRUE that given the voting record and stated positions on national issues of the supposed “Mainstream Democrats” that this fundraiser is referring to, that we wonder if the organizers of this event would recognize a real “Mainstream Democrat” if one was sitting in their living room?…that while Evansville has been “RULED” by people who are members of the Democratic Party for nearly all of the last 60 years, it is obvious by examining the ideological tenants of the National Democratic Party that the registered Democrats that have “RULED” Evansville have not really embraced the ideology of the Democratic Party at all?

IS IT TRUE that in the context of this fundraiser that the term “Mainstream Democrat” simply means registered Democrats running for office who are loyal to the Weinzapfel administration.

IS IT TRUE the all eyes of the alleged “non-stream” Democrats are on 1st Ward City Councilmen Dan McGinn’s call for Mr. Jones to make public all the monies he and his Associates have receive from all sources for doing legal work for the City of Evansville this year and last year? …that Councilman McGinn has asked the City Controller provide him with this information for almost a year now? …that we hear Councilman McGinn will be meeting with the Evansville City Controller this week to get answers on his questions about the total legal income Mr. Jones and his Associates have received from City controlled boards, insurance liabilities fund, par-legal expenses for work done for the City of Evansville “Housing Court”, water and Sewer funds, etc.? …we hope that Councilman McGinn will keep his word by making public all the legal expense information with respect to Mr. Jones and his Associates on behalf of the City of Evansville for 2010 and 2011?

Click on Invitation to Enlarge and see just who the so called “mainstream democrats” are.


  1. It is as I’ve pondered several time…..we have a democratic mayoral candidate who is more aligned with conservative republicans, and a republican mayoral candidate that is more aligned with liberal democrats. Interesting times we live in…. 😉

  2. Has mainstream Democrat Jon Weaver ever responded to the CCO when it questioned his obvious lies about Rick Davis?

    • Henry, are you talking about the accusations that Davis fed information he obtained from a mole in Weaver’s office to Weaver’s opponent in Assessor’s race last year?

      • no I’m talking about accusations by Weaver that members of the Davis campaign team vandalized his signs in the primary, The CCO offered to make a donation to his favorite charity if he could prove it but he never seemed to be able to respond.

        • It sounds to me like Jonathan Weaver is the kind of guy who is willing to forgive and forget. Why can’t Rick Davis be that kind of guy too?

  3. The first paragraph of this article seems to be missing a lot of information that would help make sense of the rest of the story … like who, what, why, when, and where, just for starters.

    Then in the comments, Henry lays down a completely bizarre, to me, connection of Jonathan Weaver to mainstream Democrats as defined by the writer of the article. To my knowledge, Weaver meets very few of the benchmarks set down by the writer for “mainstream Democrats.”

    All in all, this entire article and the comments that follow it so far supply so little digestable information that the reader is left scratching his head, wondering WTF you guys are talking about.

    • Thanks. That makes it more clear. I’ll check my mailbox, because this is the first I’ve heard or seen of this fundraiser. But I’ll probably hold on to my money and spend it on my granddaughter anyway.

  4. “IS IT TRUE that all eyes of the alleged “non-stream” Democrats are on 1st Ward City Councilmen Dan McGinn’s call for Mr. Jones to make public all the monies he and his Associates have receive from all sources for doing legal work for the City of Evansville this year? …” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Good luck on that one. The two best kept secrets in this town are what the city of Evansville and The Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation pay for “legal services”.

    One indicator of the size of the pie is out in the open. It is the immense size of the attorney section in the local telephone directory.


  5. Mainstream Democrat = the machine that has killed Evansville

    By the way, does the Maingate Bar have sprinklers upstairs yet? That is where the fundraisers are held. As I recall they are not supposed to be having customers upstairs.

    Is this just more sneaky but legal stuff where the rules are ignored by mainstream democrats to benefit mainstream democrats? The building inspector needs to check in on this.

  6. soon2b, I am under the impression that this is a fundraiser to primarily benefit Jon Weaver and Missy Mosby, the only 2 Dems who have had absolutley nothing to do with the Davis campaign.

    • Sounds like those two candidates prefer running independently and stay clear of all the controversy, huh?

      • or Missy is still mad about BJ getting beat and Weaver isn’t smart enough to realize the benefits of having the Davis team handing out his literature all over the city.

        • Now what was it again that made Al and Rick take out after all the Mosby incumbents? A mutual friend got drunk and wrecked Al’s uninsured skijet? Vandalized yard signs and wrecked skijets are heavy duty issues in Westside politics huh Henry?

          • You seem to be a bottomless pit of useless information. Keep up the dribble Alex. You have your thumb on the pulse of local politics. So sad.

          • Thanks for thinking of me and accusing me, I just found out about this. but happily I can inform you USA1975. I was in French Lick all weekend at the Democrat conferrence and have no clue about what your referring to. Get your facts straight.

  7. Nothing on the fundraiser invitation suggests the “Mainstream Democrats” are not supporting Democrat Rick Davis for Mayor.

      • Not invite the leader of the Demo City ticket to a “mainstream” demo fundraiser? No way.

        • Davis may be the leader of the democratic ticket…..but King John is still the de facto leader of the party.

          • This looks like a really weak republican attempt to divide the demos. Don’t fall for it. Let’s all have a good time at the maingate fundraiser and focus on what matters.

  8. Does anyone have any information about how the upstairs at Maingate has gotten approval for having events without having any fire protection sprinklers?

    I remember a couple of years back that even getting approval to open became a political mess with the Evansville Fire Chief grandfathering the downstairs to open without sprinklers but thought that the upstairs was not approved. Are mainstream democrats exempted from compliance with fire protection?

  9. “In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.”

  10. I can give you 3.5 million reasons that Jones wants to stay the city attorney and about 145 thousand reasons his wife wants his firm to continue to represent the city of Evansville. That is the rumored amount his firm will get for representing the city for 2011 and his wife makes around $145,000 doing paralegal work for the city. As for Curt John how many people can open a bar on main street and go against the state fire code that calls for sprinklers when using a second floor of a commercial building. As for the Tuley’s, Pat and Z how many losers do they have to support before they get the message that no one cares about who they want to win or lose. Main Stream Democrats what a joke. Sore losers and soon to be losers is what I see.

    • usa: it has been reported that Councilman McGinn has been trying for ten (10) months to get a copy of all the legal bills for the City (obviously, they will not be voluntarily offered up). A person who attended the Courier & Press Public Access Seminar claimed she asked for the ERC’s legal bills, and they refused to provide them even after the Indiana Public Access Counselor ruled they were public records and should be provided by the ERC. Councilman Friend asked for all of the legal bills related to the Arena & Hotel, and they were supposed to be provided for the August 22nd City Council Meeting and were not. CCO: if Jones truly does receive $ 3.5 MM a year from the City, and if his wife gets $ 145,000 as a paralegal (which is more than the Mayor’s salary), and if all of these requests to provide these PUBLIC documents are ignored, then you have a fertile ground for some upcoming reporting.

    • I don’t see how your comments apply to current political events, usa. Whether Jones “wants to stay the city attorney” is a moot question. He’s gone regardless of which candidate wins the mayor’s race. And neither Pat nor Z Tuley have never lost an election. Your comments seem to be nothing more than beating dead horses and picking sour grapes.

  11. Also, I peeked in the door of Maingate this weekend (purely for investigative research purposes), and it strikes me that the seating configuration does not lend itself to a political fundraiser. This sounds to me like nothing more than . . . a kegger !

  12. I don’t understand this article. It seems like much ado about nothing. So someone starts a political action committee — so what.

      • What’s that got to do with it Mr. Won’t-use-my-real-name-JoeBiden? I haven’t started a Bingo club either, but that doesn’t mean an article about who did is important.

        • If you knew what a political action committee was, it would be important to know who started it and what their purpose is.

          • It doesn’t take much intelligence to know what a political action committee does. I can see you’re quite happy that you figured it out, and assume others don’t know.

  13. “Mainstream Democrats” shouldn’t this say “Sore Loser Democrats”?? Now not all are losers themselves, but they are mad because their democrat friends lost this past election and are sore losers. This event is to support Mainstream Democrats but none of the board members are true democrats. They don’t even support the democrat party that is currently running, except for Mosby and Weaver. If they were true democrats they wouldn’t be supporting the republicans. There are democrat leaders putting republican signs in their yards and publicly going to the republicans fundraisers. “Mainstream Democrats” get real!!!!

    • Is this really any different than Rick Davis and his so-called Democrat followers working to defeat Troy Tornatta in the 2010 county commissioner race, and then gathering at Bar Louie and cheering loudly every time the televised precinct results showed Tornatta’s Republican opponent ahead in the count? And this is just one instance of Davis and his followers actively campaigning for a Republican when Rick held a grudge against the Democrat for some silly personal reason.

      • Rick Davis was at the Coliseum with the rest of the Democrats. Get your facts straight before you blog. Troy beat himself by being himself.

    • Did Al Lindsey put up republican yard signs when he lost to Watts in the past. Yes
      Did Davis support republicans when they ran against democrats he didn’t like. Yes

  14. Its always a problem when one tries to paint any group of humans with a broad brush.
    Dems range between hippie-type,pinko freaks to Steelworker Union guys with American flags all over the place.
    Reps range from sniffing,Tad and Buffy country clubbers to Mom and Pop entrepreneurs.

    That being said, where does one find an application to be the stenographer for Evansville?

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