Take That: August 20, 2011


Take That: August 20, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: Sustainable and Unsustainable Affordable Housing

“I can’t really blame the city 100% for the FDP fiasco, it’s federal grant money therefor it has strings attached all the way back to DC, the way the money is being wasted is partially the fault of our city getting “free” money with little vision on how to get the most bang for the buck. It’s typical of any federal program to waste taxpayers money we are a bottomless pit when it comes to funding, the problem is local governments also look at the tax-base that way. “ blanger

“Thanks and congratulations to Rev. Brooks, the Memorial Community Development Corp. and Councilwoman Robinson for doing something that makes sense.” BigPappa

“Common Sense? Evansville? Weinzapfel and company,– “We don’t need no stinking Common Sense.” “We got Keys to the Public Piggy Bank”! Just 133 days till They’re gone.” Crashlarue

“The 620 Washington site was a money loser BEFORE the project was started. Somebody made a lifetime earnings off this house.” Taxman

“The house at 620 was also funded by Indiana Landmarks. It is a historic home that was saved through the efforts of the city and Indiana Landmarks. I commend Mr. and Mrs. Phillips for purchasing the house and moving into a struggling downtown neighborhood. It was for sale for quite some time and many others had the opportunity to buy the home.” Preservation advocate

“Who can argue with the Phillip’s logic to pick up a bargain due to a misguided government giveaway program. $300,000 out of the hands of the taxpayers to benefit the Phillips family. This house and the Front Door Pride program are Evansville’s version of the failed “cash for clunkers” where the president did the same thing with cars.

The Phillips’s simply took advantage of local government stupidity and were possibly rewarded with Mr. Phillips getting a political appointment to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission.

With relatives of elected officials buying FDP houses and political appointees being handed $300,000 discount deals on housing, Evansville is beginning to look like Venezuela. The other residents of the historic district spend their own hard earned dollars on their preservation passion. Why can’t elected and appointed officials do the same.” EvilUglyReality


  1. Statement to PRESERVATION ADVOCATE……….I have no problem with the Phillips buying and living in the house { 3 cheers for them ] I’m mad as hell about the total waste of MY tax money……………no matter what taxings unit “gives ” it to the city.

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