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Jumpin’ for Joy to Welcome our Frogger Friends!


EVANSVILLE, IN. – For the 37th year, the Frog Follies return the Vanderburgh 4-H Center in Evansville this weekend for the annual E’ville Iron Street Rod Club car show. This event draws approximately 12,000 people and 3,500-4,000 vintage cars from throughout the United States to participate in what has become our most successful leisure market event of the year. August 26th, 27th, 28th, 2011

Hotels are booked near capacity, restaurants will be filled and the roads will be jammed with classic, colorful cars. The Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau encourages restaurants, gas stations, convenience stores and retail outlets to get ready to do business this Friday-Sunday, August 26-28, 2011. We suggest welcoming them with signage on marquees, doors or elsewhere so they know how appreciative our city is to have them as our guests.

The public is invited to attend. Gates open at 8AM each day and close at 4PM on Friday and Saturday and 2PM on Sunday. Admission is $5 per person – children under 12 are free.

Top 5 reasons to love The Froggers –
5. They spend over $3.6 million while they are here.
4. They make our hoteliers VERY happy.
3. They brighten up our city with their colorful, beautiful cars.
2. They are fun and just plain nice folks.
1. They have been coming for 36 years and they love Evansville!

We invite everyone to love them back this weekend with a friendly smile and wave as they pass.
Thank you.
For more information on Frog Follies, visit their website at www.frogfollies.org or call the Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau at 1-800-433-3025. For interviews, call Organizing Chairman Bob Bell at 812-455-5656.


  1. first thing the gas stations will do is jack up their prices ! Terrible way to welcome our out of town guests, and it happens every year.

      • you seem to have cause and effect mixed up, Bow. The rodders don’t come here for the higher gas prices buddy, they come here for the great Frog Follies show. And we thank them for coming and giving us $ 3.6 MM by jacking up the prices. That’s the kind of hospitality you can build on !

        • I understand the cause and effect. It’s a business move. The solution is to fill up your tank before that weekend. I really dont see a gas hike as that big of a deal. They go up every summer/spring break/weekend anyway. The Follies are a good enough event that I can look past maybe paying a little extra for gas.

  2. Just shows you what a dedicated group of individuals can do for the community and have fun in the process, if the city would have found a way to tie the freedom festival & the frog follies together it would have been a huge success.


  3. Thanks to PETE SWAIM for putting your heart and soul into this great event. Have a great time with your buddies!

  4. Hey, this article ran a week too early ! Kept saying “this weekend” (which would be 8/19-8/21), and then referred to 8/26-8/28. Premature reportalation.

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