Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE? August 13, 2011

IS IT TRUE? August 13, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? August 13, 2011

IS IT TRUE that a Facebook post on the site called “Evansville Community Tennis Association” is gleefully stating that the materials to start building the indoor tennis courts at Wesselman Park have been ordered?…that there is some level of complication and even controversy about whether or not their contract to build anything has been breached?…that there are other details like submitting a design for approval, getting permits, getting the approval of the appropriated government bodies, etc. that should certainly be completed and verified before any materials were ordered?…that if the ECTA is delusional enough to order materials before getting written permission and permits to proceed then that tells us something?…that the post is as follows:

“I received some very good news this evening from two (2) highly reliable sources…the materials for the indoor tennis facility at Wesselman Tennis Center have been ordered!!!! Sounds like the countdown to indoor tennis by ECTA has begun!!!! WAY TO GO, ECTA BOARD and all the other non-board members who’ve devoted much time/energy and more to making this dream a reality! On behalf of our entire tennis community, THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK and DILIGENCE!!!”

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville IceMen finally have a deal that they are pleased with that officially makes them the hockey team in the new Evansville Arena?…that the deal reflects much confidence on the part of Ron Geary and the IceMen that hockey will be a major attractor of fans in the new Arena?…that the deal is more complicated and a bit more risky than what the simple two sentence plan that the City County Observer had suggested?…that when it comes to private enterprise and negotiations that what we really wanted to see is a deal that Ron Geary and the Evansville IceMen are enthusiastic about?…that we plan on attending some games ourselves and encourage the people of Evansville to come out and support our hockey team?…that if Ron Geary is happy with the deal then the CCO is happy with the deal?…that we are even going to get out or our normal mode and offer congratulations and thanks to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission for intervening and accelerating the signing of a deal that the IceMen see as a partnership with the City of Evansville?…that we say THUMBS UP to the Evansville IceMen and the ERC?

IS IT TRUE that we are relieved and feeling safer already since we now know that both candidates for Mayor of Evansville opposed meth labs?…that at least 80% of the decisions that government makes are decisions that can be made by a rational mind and that opposing the manufacturing of meth is rational position?…that opposing meth making is not policy and that we encourage both candidates to get on board with Evansville City Councilman Dan McGinn in his crusade to disrupt the material supply chain of the key ingredient in the meth making process?…that over the counter products that contain pseudoephedrine should be prescription based

IS IT TRUE that with all of the drugs that are near the expiration date for their patents that some American drug companies like Pfizer and Merck should seize the opportunity to obsolete pseudoephedrine based medicines altogether with a new patentable formulation?…that maybe something in the Federal Lab Consortium patent portfolio would be applicable to such an effort?…that GAGE has a tech transfer agreement that enables them to make the FLC patent portfolio available to businesses within a 28 county area around Evansville?…that to do that they need the technical talent available to read and understand patents and to recognize the not yet identified potential of local businesses?…that politics and self limiting policies are keeping them from even considering such things?


  1. Thus far, it appears that a team of wild horses could not drag either of these candidates near a local hot-button issue.

      • Patients…with any war picking battles, timing, and direction is all important, what we are seeing is each candidate firing volleys across each others bow checking windage and elevation getting ready for the first battle. Soon enough we will wish they would just shut up. Like I said the other day neither of these candidates want to be associated with a ready, fire, aim mentality, they are preparing for battle and I’m sure no important topic will be over looked in the campaign.

        A personal observation….I believe Mr Winnecke was caught off guard with Mr Davis’s position paper on meth labs, Mr Winnecke just regurgitated his same statements about training and tools to help public safety employees do their jobs, after talking to several police offices and firefighters neither group could mention anything other then manpower that would help in their role battling the meth problem., both stated that the public involvement (reporting suspicious behavior/smells) was the most valuable leads they could get…..and that public apathy was the biggest hurdle to jump, federal grant money has been flowing into the community for years and has allowed upgrades and the needed equipment/training to fight this fight.

        • And Davis’s press release read to me like a regurgitation of Dan McGinn’s ideas expressed at last Monday’s city council meeting, most likely provided to Davis by his pseudo-intellectual mentor, H. Dan Adams.

  2. If 16 houses getting blown up in 7 months is not enough to educate the people of Evansville about the perils of meth what is it going to take?

    If Mr. Winnecke thinks that education programs are going to be enough to stop this epidemic then he must be drinking some kind of Kool-Aid himself. That is at best a delusional position and at worst a drug company serving one.

    Davis is right that the pseudo needs to be taken off of the counters. The real question is how the heck does a local government entity make that happen?

    • I believe we could use our taxing authority to tax it… Make it a misdemeanor to possess without the tax stamp in the City… they got Capone on tax evasion …. it’s a method that has worked in the past…

      • Brent, are you suggesting that the city levy a tax on a legal antihistamine, and the tax be paid by lawful users of Sudafed? That sounds selective, excessive and punitive from my conservative point of view.

      • Bgrafton, that sounds like a terrible idea ! The price of meth will go up by the cost of the tax stamp (producer passing on costs to users), and you will have legitimized one of the precursors for this terrible drug !

        • Simply Dan McGinn, others and I are trying to pass a city ordinance to require a MD’s prescription to buy Pseuodephedrine tablets. Bye the Bye, I resent the above Veracity’s (?AJ)”pseudo-intellctual” crack…but only the “pseudo” part. Davis thinks for himself and we do not agree on everything. I find it very healthy ! H Dan Adams

      • bgrafton, one more thought on your idea of putting a City of Evansville ‘tax stamp’on Sudafed. The producers will pass the cost on to the users, so the price of meth will go up. The users who are hooked on meth can’t hold a job, so they will likely have to steal (a little more) to maintain their habit. In the meantime, by putting the tax stamp on the Sudafed, the City of Evansville will have legitimized the possession of the precursor. A policeman pulling someone over with a quantity of Sudafed would be powerless to act, tax stamp in good order, move on down the road. Please withdraw this idea.

  3. Okay. About this tennis building that is to cover one acre of land in Wesselman Park. As I read the contract that the ECTA (tennis association) has with our free-wheeling Park Board, it states that a building erected by the ECTA could be between 3000 and 5000 sq ft. An acre of tennis building is 43,000 sq ft. It also seems that there are time limits in the contract that have not been met by the ECTA. And yet the Park Board in their effort to give away public land to anyone with money to do with what they want has chosen to ignore the questionable aspects of this poorly written contract.
    Please, someone who is an attorney and who also is a public official call them out on this. Joe Wallace can republish the contract for you if you can not easily get access. Or contact me and I will email it. Apparently any board in Evansville can and does do whatever it wants regardless of legalities or the public good. And as we have seen recently, the park board is not only trying to give away the only open field in Wesselman Park to a very small percentage of the citizenry (Evansville tennis players)rather than allow a larger number of people to have use of it, but they were ready, willing and eager to hand off a prime piece of land to the CVB for $18 million baseball fields last year. What’s next? And how hard to we have to beat our heads against the wall to have this stop repeatedly occurring. Wake up people! Special interest groups are buying your public land right out from under you! Please make your voices heard. Or if you don’t care to do that, then tell the grandkids that you can’t take them to the park today because there is no park anymore.

  4. At some point our “Identity” will be:
    “The Most Crooked Little City on the Ohio”.

  5. The corruption of the city authority in the waning days of this administration is shown in ECTA’s audacity. Both mayoral candidates are firmly against this ECTA plan, and ECTA’s only hope is to break ground before the November election. ECTA seems to be hiding behind the sweetheart deals formed under this administration and their puppets on the various boards. The wine fiasco at Biaggi’s slowed them(with the disolving of the previous CVB), but the current park board’s rubber stamping of the land give away with ZERO regard the the WRITTEN contract raises suspicions of a backroom deal! There was not a voice raised when the garage with a “private” club was raised… but suddenly land and monies were “available” for a new club with the EXACT same individuals profitting came to light. What was the sweetheard deal. How does the Parks Board NOT look at the specifics of a contract before they deed public lands to private “clubs”.

    ECTA has to break ground before the November elections or they know that the only way they they can build an indoor facility is to do it on purchased land, with invested or donated money. Just like a “private club” should.

    I certainly hope a pile of purchased materials does not “coerce” the city into doing the exact wrong thing. If ECTA wants to proceed, they should do so under the rules in which they established control of Wesselman Tennis Center. The city authorities should stop any groud breaking until ALL the proper paperwork has been filed for, granted, and posted.

    A cursory thought. IF this is built on public ground, should not ADA regulations be met? I see stairs to an observation deck, but no elevator. I don’t see handicap accessable doors and vestibules. All public buildings must be ADA accesable. This plan does not show that this building will be. I guess if your organization has enough audacity to purchase materials prior to getting proper permits, there must be some assurace somewhere that they will continue to get the fast-track rubber stamp. I sure would like to know who is giving ECTA this priviledged standing.

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